the wrong prophecy | natasha romanoff

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summary: with the ability to dream of the future, you happen to see a particular vision of natasha dying, but you don't know if it's just a dream or an insight into the future.

warning/s: mentions of fighting, bloody injuries, death, grief.

author's note: i was supposed to share this with you all a while ago but i totally forgot i'd written it! i've been working on my own fiction story so haven't got around to writing many imagines lately, but didn't wanna leave you all with nothing so i hope you enjoy this! it's v angsty i'm sorry

author's note: i was supposed to share this with you all a while ago but i totally forgot i'd written it! i've been working on my own fiction story so haven't got around to writing many imagines lately, but didn't wanna leave you all with nothing ...

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"Rest up, Y/L/N, you've earned it."

Steve Rogers slapped me on the back enthusiastically, oblivious to the groan I let out as my muscles were stiff, and left me standing in the hallway alone.

We'd just done a very intense few hours of training, a way that Steve thought we could get to know each other better since I was new to the Avengers team and still familiarising myself with everyone. It was safe to say that Steve knew more about me than he needed to after that morning...

Joining the Avengers wasn't something I expected, but Tony Stark himself had promised he'd help me do the right thing with my powers and ability to help people. As much as I would have rather been content solely using my powers as an Avenger, learning to fight and defend myself was also part of the job, so that was all still new to me.

My abilities weren't exactly the easiest to deal with at times... I could tell the future in a way, but it wasn't always guaranteed. My dreams weren't always dreams, they were sometimes flashes of what the future could hold if I knew how to look hard enough. The difficult part was recognising the difference between dreams and the potential future, but I was slowly learning.

I hadn't been amongst the Avengers for long, maybe a few weeks, so I was still trying to grasp the team dynamic, everyone's personalities and the flow of everyday life. They were all accommodating of course, but only at face value. We were still strangers and I knew it would be a long time before that changed.

So, after yet another intense training session with Steve in an attempt to make a good impression, I hobbled back to my room to have a shower before deciding to take an afternoon nap, knowing my aching body would thank me later. That's when the dream (if you could call it that) began...

The room I was in was wrecked, with furniture – desks, desk chairs, cabinets – strewn about and half destroyed. I wasn't sure where I was or what had taken place, but it had left me momentarily breathless as I leaned against a table for support.

"Nat, there's a bomb on your floor, north east corner of the building," a voice came though my earpiece, and I recognised it as Steve's. "I'm a bit–" he grunted, and a loud smack followed before he continued, "–preoccupied right now. Can you get there?"

"On it."

I looked up, seeing my fellow teammate, Natasha Romanoff, standing before me and also catching her breath by leaning against a desk. Pushing herself up, she checked her watch before nodding to me authoritatively.

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