green-eyed monster【one】| alicia clark

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summary: you're living at the stadium and have befriended Alicia, but that friendship gets rocky when a new girl joins and Alicia doesn't trust her.

warning/s: mentions of loss

author's note: it's been so long since i last shared anything i wrote and for that i apologise! happy new year firstly, legit cannot believe it's 2023. I've been working on a bunch of different stuff and never seem to finish any of it, hence why this is the first thing i'm sharing for a few months – i just happened to finally finish it!

for anybody who cares, i'm working on a several part lexa imagine (or short story depending on how long it ends up lol what can i say, i miss her), and i've almost finished writing my first lesbian fiction story which is exciting! i cannot wait to share more details on that with you closer to the time, but for now, thanks for being patient with me and i hope you enjoy part 1 of 2 to this alicia imagine because i miss her :))

for anybody who cares, i'm working on a several part lexa imagine (or short story depending on how long it ends up lol what can i say, i miss her), and i've almost finished writing my first lesbian fiction story which is exciting! i cannot wait to...

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"You know how to ruin a girl's self esteem, you know that?"

"Oh, shut up. Stop being dramatic." Alicia rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh.

"What? Maybe I wanted to–"

"Start walking around the stadium with a safari hat on your head? Yeah, I'm sure you did."

I gave her a knowing look, doing all I could not to let my smile take over. "You know it looks good."

She held my stare, as if to make me see sense, but all it did was finally make her laugh. It was a good feeling, I won't lie, hearing her laughter and watching the twinkle in her eyes when she did.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you by wearing it," I assured her with an amused smile, removing the hat from my head. "But I know you secretly love it."

She grinned. "You're so annoying, d'you know that?"

I shrugged carelessly, smiling nonetheless. Hanging out with Alicia was always my favourite thing, even if it meant frustrating her to no end (AKA my favourite hobby). Ever since her and her family invited me to stay with them at their settlement – an old baseball stadium – I felt like me again. I'd been convinced I would spend the rest of my life struggling to find food and running from infected forever, but they changed that.

It was easy to befriend Alicia since she was around my age, one of the only ones here who was. But that was a few months ago, back when they were starting this place up. Now, it was different, but the 'damage' had been done and Alicia was stuck with me whether she liked it or not.

"We really need to sort these clothes out, so stop fooling around," she warned me with a stifled smile.

"Yeah, yeah..."

We were sorting through some clothes that had been picked up on recent supply runs, separating the unusable ones from the ones we could definitely wash and share out between everyone. But as always with Alicia, it was easy to get distracted.

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