varsity crush【two】| jackie taylor

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summary: after Jackie decides to volunteer with you at your mum's fundraiser, you wonder why she's so inquisitive about your friendship with another girl.

warning/s: none.

author's note: okay so for this one i just googled a random place in new jersey for a school (if anyone happens to recognise it haha). But yeah, only a few people reading this one but still hope you like it! 🥰

"Raising money for better mental health services, would really appreciate you coming along!" I said as I handed out some flyers by the school entrance

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"Raising money for better mental health services, would really appreciate you coming along!" I said as I handed out some flyers by the school entrance. "There's gonna be food and games and all sorts! Free entry!"

On the whole, a lot of students were taking the flyers. Of course, there were the few that outright ignored me or some jocks that took the piss, but overall reception was good. Besides, I was only doing my part to help my mum out, who managed this mental health charity in our town and needed me to spread the word some more about a fundraising event she was hosting next week.

As I continued to hand out flyers, Jackie happened to walk out next, amidst the huddle of students, and accepted the flyer with a grin. She stepped to the side to raise an eyebrow at me inquisitively.

"Ooh, what are you doing?" she asked, eyes scanning the flyer in her hand.

I continued to hand them out whilst speaking to her, soon realising students would just accept anything you held out to them. "Just trying to spread the word about this event at the community centre. My mum thought it would help if I handed these out at school."

She nodded, intrigued, before she looked up at me. "Nice. Are you going?"

"Yep. I got roped into helping out, but I don't mind."

At this, her smile grew. "And are you looking for volunteers?"

I studied her suspiciously. "I suppose so... why?"

She rolled her eyes like it was obvious, which I guess it was. "Because I'd love to help out, duh!"

I blinked, surprised. "Oh, well... yeah. That would be super helpful actually."

"Awesome," she said, tilting her head to flash me a smile. "Share the details tomorrow?"

"Sure thing."

Her eyes sparkled in the light, though with a hint of her usual Jackie mystery. "I'll catch you later, Y/N."

And with that, she was gone. Such a strange girl.


When the day of the event finally arrived, I was helping my mum out in the morning, making sure all the stalls were set up and the vendors had everything they needed. There was supposed to be a good turnout, considering my mum had done a lot of promotion for it, so I expected it to be busy today.

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