moving on【five】| alicia clark

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summary: for the first time in forever, you have enough time, time to indulge in a relationship with somebody who wants the same. But as always, something has to get in the way...

warning/s: mentions of minor violence and weapons.

author's note: sorry in advance for this one 👀 also i can't remember if i said, but Y/H/C = your hair colour

With all the ways the world had changed these past few years, it was easy to think I'd never get to feel certain emotions ever again

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With all the ways the world had changed these past few years, it was easy to think I'd never get to feel certain emotions ever again. And yet after sharing that kiss with Alicia, I felt like I was a teenager with a crush.

It was yesterday when she'd surprised me with the visit to the art gallery, doing so much for me that nobody had ever done for me in my life. Her kissing me only confirmed that she liked me, too. A miracle in itself, really.

I was stumbling over my words afterwards, despite any temporary confidence I'd had when asking her if she would kiss me. And she was the same, to my surprise, her confidence dispersing as soon as we pulled apart. Permanent grins fixed on our faces, I knew we had to talk about it, whatever we were. But for the first time in a long time, we had time. And since we were still reeling from such a simple kiss, we still hadn't talked about us just yet.

Today would be the day, I hoped. I was feeling pretty confident about what would happen considering everything she'd done for me wasn't something 'just friends' did. But I was still nervous for it to happen.

It never did, though.

A patrol unit came back from a shift with some newbies, bringing them back to the stadium. Alicia and I were with a few others by the gates, helping them in and making sure nobody was hurt. The group – a family of three – were shaken up as expected, but otherwise alright. Before I could help them out, I was called away by another resident to help with some other chore.

"It's okay, I can handle this," Alicia assured me when she saw I was being called.

She flashed me a small smile, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. All I could think about was our kiss, how soft her lips were, how perfectly she seemed to fit against me. I'd had her once and now she was stuck in my head permanently.

"I'll come back as soon as I can," I said to her, returning her smile, before looking to the family. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude."

"It's okay, thank you for helping us out," the mother, Chelsea, replied gratefully as she held her young son.

I nodded briefly to them before leaving to help out elsewhere.

It was a few hours before I could find the family again, having been occupied by some gardening mess that had occurred at the end of my last shift. They looked a lot less startled when I found them in their accommodation unpacking.

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