the weird archer【two】| kate bishop

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summary: now that you and Kate are getting along, you find yourself spending more time with her and begin to notice the effect you have on her.

warning/s: none.

author's note: so glad you're enjoying this so far! there's one more part after this so hope you like it ♥️

author's note: so glad you're enjoying this so far! there's one more part after this so hope you like it ♥️

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Part of being a university student meant doing things outside of your degree to look good. And though it was probably terrible of me to say I signed up as a volunteer at a care home solely for that reason, it was the truth.

Yelena needed something extra to put on her resumé, too, so she planned to join me with hopes that by volunteering together, it could be more fun. Only, when I got there and waited around for the blonde, she showed up with Kate Bishop by her side.

I raised my brows with surprise when I saw her, but cleared my throat as to not appear rude. "Hey, guys. Kate. I didn't know you were coming, too. Not that it's a problem, but yeah. Nice to see you."

Kate seemed embarrassed as she glanced at Yelena. "Yelena said she told you..."

I shook my head slightly, making her slap her friend on the shoulder.

"Yelena, you idiot, you told me she was okay with it!" she muttered over her shoulder, as if I wasn't standing right in front of her. Before Yelena could defend herself, Kate looked back to me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to add myself to this whole thing. I can totally leave–"

I chuckled, cutting her off. "Kate, chill. It's fine, honestly. The more, the merrier. We're all helping out after all, right?"

She breathed out slowly, still embarrassed but nodding in agreement.

"C'mon, they're expecting us any minute," I said with a reassuring smile, before leading the way to the reception to sign in.

After greeting the manager and getting a tour of the place, we were started off with an easy enough task – serving drinks to the residents.

"I'm gonna go and see if there's any more mugs and glasses in the kitchen," Yelena said when we attempted to pour some drinks out and realised there wasn't many cups out.

Kate and I nodded as she left, and I grabbed some cups of juice and handed them out to the residents who asked for them, before getting a few more 'orders' and returning to Kate.

"Two coffees with milk and no sugar, please," I told her with a friendly smile, and she nodded, getting to work. Jokingly, I added, "Don't spill it on me."

Realising what I was referring to, a nervous chuckle escaped her lips. "Are you seriously gonna keep bringing that up?"

I tried not to laugh. "Duh. It's hilarious."

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