be careful【one】| natasha romanoff

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summary: when Natasha gets into a life threatening situation, you get overprotective and realise how hard it gets to hide how much you care about her.

warning/s: mentions of death, violence and injury.

author's note: here's the first part of a two parter i wrote not long ago. Was actually supposed to be more angsty than it is, but it ended up turning quite lighthearted towards the end so enjoy 😊

I panted, catching my breath against a wall, praying to God that the Hydra agent I just took down was the last one for the moment

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I panted, catching my breath against a wall, praying to God that the Hydra agent I just took down was the last one for the moment.

Another day, another mission and this one was admittedly kicking my arse. Myself, Tony, Steve, Bruce and Natasha were covering this one with the intent of stopping some Hydra goons from distributing a poisonous gas across the black market. In the wrong hands, it could cause some serious damage and we'd been tracking this particular facility down for some time now. We heavily underestimated how many people would be here though, and it was all hands on deck to stop the gas from leaving this building.

It was going (kind of) well so far, but I was already tired after taking out a couple of dozen of enemy agents, and I was nowhere near done.

Just when I'd caught my breath and began to move onto the next area of the building with caution, I heard a scream, harsh and tired and freezing me in place when I immediately knew who it was. Chills running along my skin, I picked up into a run, legging it to the source of the scream and soon finding myself in a large warehouse.

Up ahead, I heard more groans and realised there was a Hydra agent hovering over a sprawled-out Natasha, boot pressed to her gut. She must have been injured badly if he was able to keep her there – she wouldn't just let herself be dominated like that. I grabbed my pistol from its holster, growing angry at the sickly grin on the goon's face, before shooting at him several times.

He was taken by surprise, falling to the side and hitting the ground instantly. I didn't waste anymore time as I rushed to Natasha's side, sliding into a kneel beside her to see what was wrong.

My heart hammered in my chest at the sight of a bloody gunshot wound in her abdomen, staining her uniform and hands which were loosely covering the injury.

"Oh, God, Natasha...," I muttered with wide eyes.

Her eyes were scrunched up in pain, lips turned into a slight frown as if trying very hard to internalise the pain she was in. A light layer of sweat covered her pale skin as she clenched her jaw so hard that the vein in her neck was sticking out. How the hell had she gotten into this mess? Natasha never got hurt. Not like this.

I moved her hands, pressing mine to her wound instead with hopes of applying more pressure and stopping the blood from spilling out.

"You're going to be fine," I promised, trying to collect my thoughts.

Imagine That: Multifandom Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now