body swap【one】| wanda maximoff

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summary: when Kate tries to cheer you up after you're continuously moping around following your breakup with Wanda, she ends up messing around with one of Doctor Strange's spells and leaves you both in an unexpected predicament.

warning/s: mentions of a breakup, body swapping i guess??

author's note: okay this came to me when i was watching 17 Again and then i realised it's a little Freaky Friday related too so yeah, there you go, hope you enjoy!

also i'm estimating wanda to be 29 and reader to be 25, just for context. okay, now enjoy!

Wanda crossed her arms, fingers clutching her arms tightly and with frustration

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Wanda crossed her arms, fingers clutching her arms tightly and with frustration. I watched her with a scowl, hating the anger that was burning in my chest the longer I waited for her to speak.

"Did you ever think that I act the way I do because you don't listen?" I said when she wouldn't fill the silence. "You stopped listening a while ago, Wanda. How do you expect me to take things seriously when you don't give me the time of day?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "We're Avengers, Y/N, we have busy lives. This isn't my fault. And our jobs are not an excuse for you to act the way you do."

I raised my eyebrows with offence. "The way I do? And what way is that, Miss Maximoff?"

She glared at me. "Like a child! You can't take anything seriously! Every time I try to have a serious conversation with you, you think it's funny."

"Again, it would be easier to take you seriously if you gave me a minute of your day without making it about yourself," I snarled with a frown.

She clenched her fists in her crossed arms. "You're such a baby, Y/N."

"Then why are you putting up with me?!" I shouted with frustration. "You clearly don't have the patience for me!"

"This is what I get for dating a child," she said with irritation. "Four years is quite the difference after all, isn't it?"

I groaned exaggeratedly. If I'd had a penny for every time she brought our age difference into an argument, I'd be richer than Tony.

"And the biggest drama queen award goes to...," she muttered with an eye roll.

It wasn't working anymore. We both knew it. The arguments had been more frequent for a few months now. We weren't communicating. I felt like she was always neglecting me for work, never putting me first like I wanted, and she clearly thought I was too immature for her. Maybe we'd finally ran our course after all this time.

"Maybe we have," she said with a glassy stare directed my way, and I realised she'd read my mind.

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. "So, now what?"

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