the Jackie Taylor effect【three】| jackie taylor

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summary: after your drunken kiss with Jackie, you're left to deal with the consequences.

warning/s: mentions of underage drinking and minor violence.

author's note: here's the final part! last jackie one for a while as i don't have anything pre-written, but i'm working on other stuff so i hope this holds you guys down for a bit :)

author's note: here's the final part! last jackie one for a while as i don't have anything pre-written, but i'm working on other stuff so i hope this holds you guys down for a bit :)

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It was safe to say that the next day, after the worst hangover of my life, everything came back to me and I was mortified at what I'd done. Technically, it was the both of us, but we were both out of it and Jackie Taylor never begged for anyone, especially not me. It had to have been a mere drunken mistake and that was it.

Two days after the party, Van and I were hanging out at the skate park and she, expectedly, brought up the whole finding Jackie and I making out situation.

"I never would've guessed, y'know," she was saying, surprised. "Jackie didn't strike me as a–"

I stopped skating before her, foot on the lip of the board as I shot her a look. "We were drunk, Van, you saw it yourself. It didn't mean anything."

Van snorted. "It didn't look that way from where I was standing."

Cheeks flushing, I tried to play it cool. "You were standing on the balcony claiming you could do a ninja flip in the pool at one point. I wouldn't take you as gospel."

"Hey, I totally could've landed that if Tai didn't pull me down!" she defended, making me stifle a smile as I skated circles around her. "Look, all I'm saying is Jackie has been asking about you a lot lately. No offence, but you're not that interesting."

"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Could've meant more is all I'm saying," she finished with a shrug.

"Well, it didn't," I assured her, though a small part of me was beginning to question if it did.

No, it couldn't have. She was Jackie Taylor and I was... an absolute idiot.

And with that mentality, I wasn't really planning to bring it up to her, figuring she'd do the same. The following Monday at school, we didn't really have much crossover as Chemistry wasn't on the schedule. There were times when my eyes would cross hers in the hallway, but I couldn't read her expression. The memory of her lips on mine would come to mind and I'd be forced to look away, still wondering if it had been real.

That afternoon after school was when our paths really crossed, as we had our weekly volunteering hours at the community garden. When I arrived, everybody was gathered in front of the manager outside and I hurried to join them, noticing I was a little late. Jackie was stood a few people down from me in the row, and when I glanced at her, she made no effort to look my way.

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