body swap【two】| wanda maximoff

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summary: now that you and Kate have swapped bodies, you have to learn to be one another, but that's hard when you find yourself missing your ex-girlfriend.

warning/s: mentions of guns, shooting, minor violence and injury.

author's note: here's part two! i hope you guys like it :)

Switching bodies with Kate wasn't supposed to be such a difficult thing, despite how complex it sounded

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Switching bodies with Kate wasn't supposed to be such a difficult thing, despite how complex it sounded. We tried to make it go as smoothly as possible by giving each other a rundown on any appointments, commitments, training sessions or plans we both had planned for the month, to ensure we knew what to expect as each other, and it worked to an extent.

We sat down and had a quick practice of how to act like one another so nobody would suspect us, and it went surprisingly well. I had known Kate long enough to mimic her, and her I, but the fear of us still messing it up was there. Especially because we had different relationships with the others, so it was harder to pinpoint. For example, Kate wasn't as good friends with Natasha as I was, and I didn't have a bond with Clint like she did, but that would have to change.

"Wanda doesn't talk to me, so don't forget that," I told Kate as we went through each Avenger and their relationship with us.

"Aw, but I like Wanda though," Kate said with a pout. "We've finally been starting to talk to each other more."

I gave her a look, expecting her to be on my side, but she raised her hands defensively.

"What? I never thought Wanda liked me because I was always hanging out with you, but since you guys... y'know, she's been warming up to me."

My expression didn't change, and she gave in with a reluctant sigh.

"Fine, I'll avoid her. But you can't," she reminded me. "You're going to be Kate, and Kate Bishop is not losing out on befriending one of the most powerful Avengers because you're too stubborn to talk to your ex."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

She pointed a finger at me with warning. "Hey, promise me."

The last thing I wanted to do was make friendly conversation with my ex when I knew she hated the real me, but it was the least I could do when Kate was doing this for me.

"Fine, I promise."

Kate grinned. "Awesome."

After we were certain we covered anything and everything that could give away the truth about us, we made a start to our temporary new lives the next morning.

And that's when we realised how stupid we were because we missed one obvious fact. I didn't know how to shoot a bow and arrow as skilfully as Kate.

The following day, Clint and I were training together outside and he claimed he had a surprise for me despite my tardiness yesterday morning. He led me outside to the archery range before presenting me with a range of strange looking arrows. An expectant expression was on his face as he waited for a reaction, and I smiled awkwardly, unsure what to do.

Imagine That: Multifandom Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now