the weird archer【one】| kate bishop

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summary: you're not particularly fond of Kate Bishop, the girl who is in the same archery team as your best friend, but when circumstances keep bringing you together, you begin to realise she doesn't hate you like you thought.

warning/s: none.

author's note: this was requested by theperfectlovestory on tumblr back in January! so this is an au where the avengers don't exist, yelena and kate are at the same uni and besties so the bants is still there, and it takes place after the xmas holidays but obvs instead of kate becoming an avenger kinda like in the show, she just spent the holidays with clint and his family lol. but yeah, everything else is self explanatory. hope that makes sense

Y/BF/N = your best friend's name

Y/BF/N = your best friend's name

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"Seriously? First day back after the holidays and you're already in work mode?" my best friend, Y/BF/N asked with an amused smile.

I didn't spare her a glance from my laptop as I turned it on at my desk. "Indeed. This portfolio won't put itself together."

"Y/N," she whined childishly, before approaching my side and perching herself on the edge of my desk. "I'm heading out with the archery team in a bit to get some coffee. Why don't you join us? A last little bit of fun before the semester starts up again."

I scrunched my nose up with disinterest. "Nah. You go, it'll be fun for you."

"No, c'mon, it'll be good if you come, too. You get along with everyone, right? It'll be chill. Plus Yelena will be there, too."

I considered it momentarily, the thought of getting one last chill evening in before the semester started up again tomorrow sounding appealing. Plus, as Y/BF/N pointed out, Yelena would be there and she wasn't in the archery team like me, so it's not like I'd be the odd one out.

"Maybe," I decided, glancing at Y/BF/N before looking back to my laptop.

She groaned petulantly, shaking my shoulders. "C'mon!"

"Are you sure they won't mind?" I double checked, raising a brow. "Your team, I mean?"

She gave me a disapproving look, like I'd said such a silly thing. "Y/N, you're my plus one to basically everything. An attachment of me if you will. They expect you at this point."

I chuckled because she was right. Anywhere she went, I went, apart from their team training sessions.

"They all love you," she added knowingly.

"Kate Bishop doesn't," I reminded her, resisting the urge to roll my eyes before looking back to my work.

Kate Bishop was a member of the archery team, someone I dubbed 'The Weird Archer' because of, well, how weird she was. Despite knowing her for almost four years because of her and Y/BF/N's friendship, she never really liked me. Whenever I was around, she'd act strange, never look me in the eyes nor listen to me when I spoke. And on top of that, I was always a victim of her weirdness and I never knew why. She was also Yelena's best friend, which is probably why Yelena was attending the gathering, but she was nothing like her blonde friend whom I got along with easily.

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