moving on【one】| alicia clark

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summary: desperate times call for desperate measures and you're forced to join a dangerous gang to keep you and you sister alive. But when you realise jusy how dangerous they are, you worry about what their influence can have on your sister.

warning/s: mentions of violence, blood, injury and death.

author's note: here's the first part to a six part alicia clark imagine i recently worked on. i still miss her lol but it's great to see Alycia in a variety of roles lately – she deserves it and her acting was wasted on ftwd! still miss Alicia tho so hope you guys like this one! 🥰

some things to note: y/s/n = your sister's name and this is set in season 3 before June reveals herself as June, so she's called Naomi in this in case anyone is confused or forgot the show aha

also, shameless plug but i've shared the first two chapters of my new story on my profile and i'd appreciate if you checked it out and let me know what you think! ☺️

okay you can enjoy now aha ♥️

okay you can enjoy now aha ♥️

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"You find anything?"

I refrained from cursing as I answered, "Nothing. Everything has been taken."

My sister, Y/S/N, sighed from the other side of the convenience store. "That's the fourth place in a row. We can't keep doing this."

I frowned, glad she couldn't see my expression. "Hang on. There might be something."

Pushing myself from behind the counter, I moved over to the long-defrosted freezers, hoping someone might have stored something there. Only, before I could take a look, the noise of a bell from the front door rang out and I immediately grabbed my pistol, directing there.

"Woah, woah, woah. Relax, ladies!"

I clenched my jaw when I recognised the man as the leader of a local gang, Jeremy. Behind him were a few of his people, all fully armed but making no move to grab their weapons.

"Small world, it seems," Jeremy joked, glancing between my sister and I. When neither of us said anything, he added, "There's no need for the guns. We're here same as you. Looking for supplies."

Reluctantly, I lowered my gun but kept it firm in my grip. I glanced over at Y/S/N, wondering why she didn't do a better job of keeping watch.

"So, did you find anything?" he continued, speaking to me.

I purposely stayed quiet, fixing my narrowed stare on him. Everywhere we went since arriving in Texas a few weeks ago, we bumped into Jeremy and his gang. It started off as us avoiding him, but after bumping into him accidentally and him recognising us over and over, he always offered us a place with him. He rubbed me the wrong way and he never gave up. I half expected him to kill us out of convenience since we were searching for the same things in the same areas. But he always let us go and I didn't want to imagine why.

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