the ranchers【two】| alicia clark

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summary: after moving onto the ranch, you're met with the challenges of settling in and making a new friend of Alicia herself.

warning/s: mentions of death, bereavement and discrimination.

author's note: here's part 2! bit on the long side but hope you enjoy it :)

Moving in with the ranchers wasn't smooth sailing, not that anyone expected it to be

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Moving in with the ranchers wasn't smooth sailing, not that anyone expected it to be. There was a huge growing pain, with dirty looks being thrown our way and a heavy reluctance to obey the shared command between my father and Jake, or should I say my father and Madison.

I hadn't spoken to Alicia's mother much, only one quick informal introduction and the impression I received from when she burst onto the reservation to steal back Alicia and break the parley. I was trying not to hold a grudge from that, I knew she was only being an overprotective mother. But I wasn't sure if I could say I trusted her, despite my father seeming to respect her, much more than Jake anyway.

Working with Alicia as we all adjusted to living together wasn't going so bad. She was starting to grow on me, and I her, I think. Our goal was to show a unity between our people, and though many rolled their eyes when they saw us working together or chatting to one another, it kind of seemed to work. Some were encouraged to do the same, the ranchers following in Alicia's footsteps and giving my people a chance, which was all we wanted.

One day, we were searching the shed near the field for some gardening equipment when a rancher walked past, glancing at us and mumbling something under his breath.

"Pardon?" I said, pausing and looking to him with a quirked brow.

"You heard me," he retorted defensively, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I looked back down, continuing my search. I didn't know what he'd said, but maybe it was for the best.

"You're just a damn murderer," he muttered again, about to leave, but this time I heard and grew offended.

"Excuse you?" I asked with surprise, straightening up to glare at him. "I didn't murder anyone."

The rancher chuckled dryly. "Whatever you say, Indian."

Trying to contain my irritation, I said, "You can't just come over here and act like an ass. If you've got a problem, say it."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes, but before he could speak, Alicia walked out the shed from behind me and looked between us.

"What's going on?" she asked calmly, though judging from the disapproving stare she was sending the rancher, she already knew. "Do you have something to share, Andy?"

"A few of us are just wondering why you're spending your time with a murderer, Alicia," he snapped bitterly.

I raised my eyebrows, trying so hard not to punch him. "Fuck you!"

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