stupidly jealous【five】| alycia debnam-carey

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summary: Alycia finally confronts her father about your relationship.

warning/s: none.

author's note: here's a little bonus part that isn't very long because a lot of people wanted some sort of conclusion haha – not gonna lie, i was just gonna leave it open-ended but then decided to just quickly write this. Hope you like it!

I chewed my lip subconsciously as I watched Alycia and her father going back and forth at one another outside in the garden

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I chewed my lip subconsciously as I watched Alycia and her father going back and forth at one another outside in the garden.

Stood inside the safe confinements of the dining room, I'd been observing their conversation-turned-argument through the glass for the past five minutes, the double glazing allowing for the occasional loudly-yelled word or phrase to be heard. It was enough for me to make out the unpleasantries exchanged, the absolute Clayton slander from Alycia and basically everything she'd ever bottled up in regard to her father.

It would have been satisfying to witness if I didn't feel so bad about it all. As annoying as her father was, it was still her father, and even though Alycia had promised to make things right after our cuffs came off earlier, it didn't change that fact.

When I felt a presence beside me, I looked away from them to see Millie had approached, standing beside me and looking outside curiously.

"Damn, she's finally standing up to him, huh?" she realised.

I nodded, looking back to them. "Yep. We leave first thing in the morning."

Mille hummed, surprised. "Well, I'm happy for you. It's about time Alycia stepped up for you. You deserve it, Y/N."

I smiled appreciatively, glancing at her. "Thanks, Millie. You're one of the few things that made this trip tolerable."

Millie snorted with amusement. "No worries. Happy to be of service."

I snickered before turning around when I heard the sliding door open. A quick glance told me Alycia's father was storming off in a mood, and Alycia herself was returning with a heavy sigh to mark her frustration and relief.

"How did it go?" I asked her with a raised brow, before sarcastically adding, "Looked great from where I was stood."

With a reassuring smile, she approached me. "It's all okay now. And I feel a lot better."

I exhaled, giving her a small smile, and then she noticed Millie stood beside me and grew embarrassed.

"Millie," she acknowledged with a nod. "Look, I... I must apologise for my behaviour earlier. It wasn't appropriate and it certainly wasn't fair of me."

Millie tried not to laugh as she replied generously, "It's okay. I kind of figured there was more to it."

Cheeks dusting pink, Alycia struggled for words. "Still."

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