the king's ward【three】| morgana pendragon

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summary: as you wait for your brother to recover, you're stuck in Camelot and happen to get spend a little more time with Morgana in the process.

warning/s: mentions of blood, injury and kidnapping.

author's note: and here's part 3! hope you guys like it :)

By the time we reached Camelot, Y/B/N could barely stand, instead slipping from Gwen's grasp

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By the time we reached Camelot, Y/B/N could barely stand, instead slipping from Gwen's grasp. When we passed the threshold of the front gates, I had to let Gwen and Morgana get him help as I stayed with him. He was unconscious, a puddle of blood on the back of his shirt and the arrow still lodged in his skin, stained. It could have looked worse than it was, but I was no healer, so I didn't know.

Soon enough, some knights returned and carried him on a stretcher, letting me follow. We were taken to the court physician, a kind man called Gaius who immediately got to work in treating my brother's wound. I tried to stay out of the way as he worked, but my eyes kept peering around as he removed the arrow, disinfected the wound, bandaged him up... the blood was a lot. Enough to concern me of his well-being.

"He just needs to rest," Gaius assured me, probably noticing my staring. "I've stopped the bleeding, though the arrow actually did most of that. You were right not to take it out."

I breathed out slowly, relieved. "Thank you so much, Gaius. I don't know what I would've done without your help. I thought he..." I couldn't even fathom it. Shaking my head, I met Gaius' stare. "Thank you."

He smiled and nodded. "Anything to help. Especially for the heroes who rescued the Lady Morgana and her handmaiden."

I didn't know what to say, not fond of the praise, so I took a seat beside Y/B/N's cot, watching as he slept. Sweaty, fatigued and bandaged, but alive.

It wasn't long before the doors to Gaius' quarters were opened suddenly, earning my attention. To my surprise, it was Prince Arthur himself, followed by Merlin. When Merlin caught my gaze, he offered a bright smile and a little wave, making me smile in return. Arthur looked both surprised and relieved to see me.

"Your highness," I said respectfully, bowing.

"I didn't think I'd see you again," he admitted. "But... thank you. You brought Morgana and Gwen home safe. Something not even my men and I could do."

"We couldn't just leave them," I said nonchalantly.

At the mention of my brother, his expression softened and he looked behind me. "How is he?"

"He'll be okay," I assured him. "Gaius did a perfect job. I'm grateful."

Arthur nodded. "Gaius is our very best physician. I'm glad he could get to your brother before it was too late." He paused, before asking, "What were you both doing out there?"

I shrugged, rubbing my arm with discomfort. "We were travelling, finding work. We take odd jobs, usually hired protection or entertainment. It's quick money. And plays to our best strengths."

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