a new life【one】| layla el-faouly

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summary: just when you and layla are about to move in together after graduation, the snap happens and you find yourself having to live a new life where she isn't your girlfriend anymore.

warning/s: mentions of death.

author's note: i finished moon knight a while ago and really wanted to write something for my love, layla, so if there's any fans out there, i hope you like it! it's a three parter :)

things to note: any arabic words have been google translated so i apologise if they're incorrect! Y/M/N = your mother's name, and i'm not sure if i got the timeline right with the snap and layla's age so just go along with it lol. also it's kinda au i guess since there's no mention of marc?

"It's our last night together before we get our own place for real," Layla said with a content sigh

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"It's our last night together before we get our own place for real," Layla said with a content sigh. "Feels weird, doesn't it?"

I hummed in agreement, fingers playing with her shirt as I cuddled into her side. We were both laying in our bed, her arm wrapped around me as I lay on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be amazing," she said adorably, and I glanced up at her to see a soft smile gracing her lips, even in the dark of our room. Her eyes met mine as her smile widened and she said, "The first step of the rest of our lives, habibti (my love)."

My heart fluttered at the term of endearment that flew from her lips so effortlessly and I returned her smile, hand resting on her chest as I studied her expression. She was absolutely stunning.

"We're going to figure it all out together," I promised. "Nothing is gonna stop us."

"Except the millions of boxes we have to take with us tomorrow," she joked.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "We'll get it done, Layla, quit stressing." I slapped her playfully on the chest before getting comfortable again, curling into her side and linking my leg between hers under the cover. "We'll take the last few boxes with us tomorrow and then we'll go to our new apartment. Our place. Not a rented, broken, tiny apartment that happened to be available last minute when we started our master's degrees."

She chuckled beneath me, pulling me even closer if possible. "Hey, this place isn't too bad! It got us this far, didn't it?"


She continued to laugh before I felt her press a kiss to the top of my head.

"The new place is going to be everything we want and more," she assured me, and I trusted her every word. "Let's just enjoy our night here together one last time."

"Try not to hog the blanket then, yeah? I'd like to not freeze my butt off one last time," I mumbled, and she scoffed, making a smile curl on my lips.

"If you stopped clinging to me like a koala bear every time, maybe I wouldn't feel the need to take the blanket," she defended.

"Oh, shut up, you love it."

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