my responsibility【two】| alicia clark

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summary: as Alicia stays with your family, you get to know more about her and start to like having someone new around.

warning/s: mentions of death/murder and guns.

author's note: and here's part two! sorry it took a little longer than usual for me to post. i had a lot of work to do but the next two parts will be posted every two days as usual! :)

Y/S/N = your sister's name

Alicia and I continued to finish up outside for the next half an hour or so, taking our time and enjoying the morning sun, before we moved onto the actual chore of the day which was to check on the greenhouse and plant some new seeds

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Alicia and I continued to finish up outside for the next half an hour or so, taking our time and enjoying the morning sun, before we moved onto the actual chore of the day which was to check on the greenhouse and plant some new seeds.

Obviously, I wasn't stupid enough to let her do that since I knew she was supposed to be resting her leg, so I made her sit on a stool in the corner and let me do the work. She insisted on doing something though, so I let her pass me the seeds when I asked for them.

It was strange, doing my chores with the presence of another. Sometimes my brother and I worked together, but we mainly stayed apart since he wasn't a fan of gardening and I wasn't a fan of maintenance, so this was the first time in a long time that I had company. And I didn't entirely hate it.

Alicia was still cautious, I could tell, but she was warming up the longer she kept me company and didn't seem as uptight as she came across initially. I had to remember that she probably wasn't always like that.

We talked about gardening and how I managed the food, though I made sure not to reveal too much about this place as I knew my family wouldn't appreciate it. She shared a bit about the settlement her group were building, but similar to me, she didn't share too much.

It was a mutual understanding, but it didn't mean we couldn't talk about the little things. She knew some things about gardening and growing food, though wouldn't give away how. So, I was left filling in the gaps with made-up stuff.

Eventually, after I finished up everything that morning, we went to get some lunch which my brother had made for us all. It was awkward, I wouldn't lie, as we all sat there in an uncomfortable silence, myself picking at my soup and wishing I was anywhere but here right now.

"It tastes really good," Alicia complimented, breaking the silence, and everyone looked her way. "Y/N said you guys had a café here before everything. I'm sure it was very popular."

Y/B/N hummed in response, eyes looking back to his soup. I chewed on my lip as my mum nodded at Alicia's words.

"Thank you again for letting me stay here until my friends can get here," Alicia continued, looking directly at my mum this time.

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