watching tv【three】| kate bishop

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summary: after your feelings come at you in full force, you're not sure what to do with your relationship with Kate.

warning/s: mentions of injury and violence.

author's note: this is the last part! i hope you all liked it :)

The night of the event soon arrives and as if worried that Kate will somehow back out last minute, Kate's mum sends over a driver to stop by both of our places and pick us up

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The night of the event soon arrives and as if worried that Kate will somehow back out last minute, Kate's mum sends over a driver to stop by both of our places and pick us up.

Always the people-pleaser, I have no choice but to wear the dress she bought for me. It isn't actually too bad, but the pressure of wearing something extremely expensive (because I have no doubt it costs more than all of my belongings put together) and not damaging it is intense.

I'm picked up first and Kate doesn't live far, but the last thing I expect when the driver stops outside her place is for her to be wearing the exact opposite of what her mum left her. In fact, instead of the strapless, elegant blue dress she was given, she's decided to wear a scarlet-coloured tuxedo. She pulls it off extremely well, I'm not blind, but it's hard to appreciate when I know she's only done it to piss of her mum.

"Wow, you look beautiful," is the first thing she says when she sits beside me in the backseat.

I give her a look of disbelief, ignoring her bright smile and the way my insides go all mushy at her words. "Seriously? Kate, what happened to the dress?"

She shrugs, putting her seatbelt on. "Wasn't feeling it."

I sigh deeply, leaning back into my seat as the drivers sets off. "Your mum is gonna kill you, you know that, right? She gave me one job. Get you there in a somewhat-respectable outfit."

"Hey, this is respectable!" she defends, tugging at her bow tie and grinning at me. "Don't I look great?"

Trying my very hardest not to give in to her charm, I give her a sideways glance. But of course, the most adorable expression is staring back at me and she really does look good. She must notice I'm giving in because she starts to laugh.

"I knew you loved me," she decides, smiling to herself as she looks out the window.

"Luckily," I mumble, trying to fight the smile from my own lips.

When we arrive at the hall booked out for the event, I'm not surprised at how lavish and amazing everything looks, from the venue itself to all of the wealthy people in it. I don't expect anything less from the Bishops. But it still takes some getting used to.

Kate's mum finds us in no time, greeting us, (scolding Kate), showing us around and then leaving us to acquaint ourselves as she gets ushered away by some guests. Again, this sort of thing isn't my cup of tea, neither is it Kate's, but I put on my best pretence and try to at least look like I'm enjoying myself. Kate is a lot more transparent with her feelings however, so it seems that distracting her is the only way to get her to behave.

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