the boy who cried wolf | alicia clark

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summary: when you piss off Alicia without meaning to, the only way to get her attention is to 'injure' yourself. Of course, everybody knows the story of the boy who cried wolf.

warning: mentions of fake blood, injury and stuff to do with your eyes (AKA eye drops, idk if anyone is squeamish about this, but here's the warning just in case).

author's note: this is a drabble to me but a full blown imagine to others haha, either way i hope you like it! just a lil cute one for our fave zombie slayer <3

author's note: this is a drabble to me but a full blown imagine to others haha, either way i hope you like it! just a lil cute one for our fave zombie slayer <3

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I played with the keyring in my hand, spinning it around on my finger mindlessly as I kept my eyes focused ahead. I was on guard duty, seated at the top of our gate with the perfect view of the land ahead, just in case anyone tried to enter the stadium. I didn't mind the job, but it was definitely a little boring at times, especially when I was on my own.

"You look like you'd rather be anywhere but here."

I glanced over my shoulder, rolling my eyes playfully when I saw Nick Clark climbing up the ladder and taking a seat in the chair beside me.

"Nah, I was just anxiously awaiting your arrival, you just mean that much to me, Nicholas," I teased.

He grinned, shaking his head with amusement, before looking ahead. "So. Anything happening?"

"As quiet as it always is," I filled him in. "Which is a good thing, I suppose."

"Not even a squirrel?"

"No squirrels today," I replied with a chuckle.

We caught up with each other for a few minutes, making small talk, before it went quiet. I thought it would stay that way, a comforting silence, but then Nick spoke up again.

"So, apparently you and Alicia aren't talking," he said, and when I looked his way, he had a cheeky smile on his face like this was all he'd wanted to say the whole time.

"She isn't talking to me," I corrected him knowingly.

"Right, right, of course," he agreed, playing along.

"I would happily speak to her, but she's being immature," I said with a shrug, crossing my arms.

He quirked a brow, intrigued. "And why's that? What happened?"

I shrugged again. "Beats me. She's been acting like that a lot lately."

He snickered, looking ahead again. "You guys act like kids sometimes, you know that?"

"She acts like a kid," I corrected him for the second time, making him laugh. "All I did was offer to go on that supply run in a few days and then she just flipped out on me! She does it every time I offer as if I'm insane to want to help. I go, she pouts, I come back, then she gets over it. But it's getting old now, Nick, c'mon. You'd think she'd get over this whole routine of hers."

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