a scripted kiss | florence pugh

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summary: you and Florence work together on a new film and you're very oblivious to the fact that she likes you.

warning/s: none.

author's note: someone requested this on tumblr so i hope i did it justice! :)

I sucked up a breath, telling myself that it was okay to be a little nervous but overall today would be fun, and walked into the restaurant that I was meeting the rest of my cast mates in

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I sucked up a breath, telling myself that it was okay to be a little nervous but overall today would be fun, and walked into the restaurant that I was meeting the rest of my cast mates in.

Only recently had I been signed on to star in a film that wasn't an indie film or short film like I'd previously done. It was my first big time film in Hollywood, if you will, and I was super excited to get started, but the first step was meeting the cast and I could only hope it would go well.

There were a lot of big names, the biggest being my costar, Florence Pugh, so the imposter syndrome was real. But my manager had prepared me the best she could, reassuring me that I belonged just as much as anyone else, so I tried to remember that as I followed the waiter to our booked table.

There was supposed to be a dozen of us meeting today, but only a few had arrived so far and immediately stood up with grins when they saw me.

"Hey, it's so great to finally meet you guys," I said, returning their smiles.

"You're the famous Y/N that the casting director won't stop talking about," said one of the actors – the Logan Lerman – and I reminded myself not to get starstruck amongst them all when I realised who they all were. "Such a pleasure."

I felt my cheeks heating up as I wasn't sure what to say in response.

"I'm Logan," he introduced casually, and I almost laughed because of course I knew who he was.

"Great to meet you, Logan," I said calmly, glad I didn't stutter or anything.

"We haven't been here long and you're actually just on time," Logan said before motioning to the three others. "I'm sure the others can introduce themselves and then we can get some drinks ordered, maybe?"

I nodded and acquainted myself with the others, trying to reign in my amazement at the complete and utter stardom surrounding me. And then we all took a seat and began chatting amongst us, myself settling in quite quickly and without trouble.

We ordered some drinks and some more of the cast washed in over the next ten minutes, in dribs and drabs. My nerves returned with each one as I reintroduced myself every time, but it was basically a dream to be in this situation and I was enjoying every minute of it.

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