a girl friend | rory gilmore

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summary: Rory wants to come out to her grandparents, but you and Lorelai aren't so sure that's the best idea.

warning/s: mentions of homophobic parents and neglecting your kids, kind of a sad one in that sense tbh

author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for over 2 years! so i thought i would finally post it lol, if there happens to be any rory fans out there still. god knows her character pissed me off post season 2, but that's the beauty of fanfiction, you can write her however you want! it's kinda bad compared to my recent stuff because it's 2 years old, so sorry about that 😂

also in this, just pretend you have a gender neutral name as that's the point in the start. you'll know what i mean when you read lol

"You guys ready for this?" Lorelai asked as we reached the infamous Gilmore residence

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"You guys ready for this?" Lorelai asked as we reached the infamous Gilmore residence. 

I glanced at Rory, who reassured me instantly with that beautiful smile of hers. I looked back to her mother and nodded, hoping I looked calmer than I felt.

"I think so," I said, breathing out a little. "They can't be that bad, right?"

Lorelai snorted as Rory shoved her mother a little. They both smiled apologetically before Lorelai knocked on the door, neither answering my question. I didn't feel any better.

Rory and I had come out with our relationship to Lorelai a few weeks ago, to which she was completely accepting of. A little surprised about her daughter's sexuality, but accepting nonetheless. And she didn't seem to hate me which was always a good sign.

Now we were meeting the grandparents. Though, not in the way I expected. Rory wanted to come out to her grandparents as she did with Lorelai, but Lorelai knew her parents better than anyone and was convinced that wasn't a good idea. And with my own personal history of getting booted out the house and practically disowned by my own parents, I didn't want Rory getting treated the same by those she loved.

So, Lorelai figured it was better to introduce me as one of Rory's Yale pals so I could charm them first before revealing the big news. Though I wasn't sure when exactly the 'big news' would be revealed. Either way, I felt a lot of pressure tonight.

Lorelai knocked on the front door and I gulped down the lump in my throat as I waited. I felt Rory's hand slip into mine, squeezing it gently for reassurance. I glanced her way and smiled gratefully, to which she nodded. The door opened though, and her hand left mine.

"...I'll get it myself, it's not like I'm paying you or anything!" the woman, presumably Rory's grandmother, shouted behind her as she opened the door. Her posture straightened up and a smile was on her face as she looked to her family and I. "Lorelai, Rory, lovely to see you again."

"I'm sure it is, mom," Lorelai said with a forced smile, hugging her mother.

"Hey, grandma," Rory greeted with a hug.

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