dating wonder girl concepts【one】| donna troy

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summary: just some random moments for what it would be like if you dated Wonder Girl.

warning/s: none i don't think?

author's note: believe it or not, i started writing this last year! but i never got around to finishing it, and after catching up with Titans on Netflix, I found some inspiration, so here we are! there's 2 more parts and honestly i don't think there are many donna troy enthusiasts on here, so this is mostly for me (as everything is lol), but if you do happen to love her, i hope you enjoy this 🥰

author's note: believe it or not, i started writing this last year! but i never got around to finishing it, and after catching up with Titans on Netflix, I found some inspiration, so here we are! there's 2 more parts and honestly i don't think the...

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when you meet for the first time...

"Gravy... gravy... gravy... aha! Gravy."

I grabbed the tub of gravy granules from the shelf and dropped it into my basket before looking at the shopping list in my hand. As I was scanning the list to see what was next, I felt someone's eyes on me and looked up to see a strange-looking man on the other end of the aisle, looking at the shelf before him, but I had my suspicions he'd just looked away.

Looking back to my list, I saw the next item: biscuits. I walked down the aisle and around to the next one, finding a variety of biscuits. As I put some in my basket, I noticed the man from earlier walk down the same aisle, stopping near me, closer than last time.

Trying to ignore my paranoia, I continued searching for the next item on my list, but some baked goods caught my eye and I leaned down to have a look. I noticed the man was glancing at me again, and I grew uncomfortable as I grabbed a box of doughnuts before standing up. Thankfully, someone else was walking down the aisle, another woman, and the man looked away.

I breathed out, knowing I was being silly. I was just projecting.

Deciding to move on, I headed to the next aisle to grab some milk, but I noticed that the man followed me. At least I was sure he was following me.

"Hey," he said, finally approaching me.

I cautiously turned around and saw the man staring at me with a creepy look in his eye. "Er, hi..." He didn't respond, simply stared, so I added, "Sorry, do I know you?"

He cleared his throat, looking me up and down. "I feel like I know you..."

"I don't think so," I mumbled, stepping back and away from him, but he grabbed my arm harshly.

"I think I do," he insisted, and I wasn't sure what his plan was, but I ripped my arm from his grasp.

"Leave me alone!" I argued loudly, backing away and hoping another shopper would hear. "Or I'll call the police!" 

He moved forward threateningly, but he didn't get chance to do anything as his face suddenly scrunched in pain. I realised there was a woman stood behind him, the one from before, holding his arm in an uncomfortable angle behind his back. She looked down at him and glared.

Imagine That: Multifandom Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now