Two|Myths and Magic

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Still 3rd Person, multiple days later

Having reached a plateau, Mahina followed Kian, who sat on the edge of a waterfall, reading a book.
Instead of saying anything, she sat down and let her hair flow in the wind, although it fiercely clutched against her face.
There had been a couple deaths in the Village of Warroh, and the Warriors were learning to defend.
As expected, Nocturna had freed Luca out of Tartarus, and was now roaming free. This day would be their first encounter with the formerly feared killer, although none of them were aware quite yet.
They had heard their older folks talk about the man who captured the  old queen, the man who ruthlessly murdered hundreds of thousands of Warriors.
Unexpectedly, Kian sighed and spoke up.

"I know what you're thinking about Mahy. This dude might've been scary a couple decades ago, but people don't fear him anymore. Plus, our forces have grown. We're safe.", he smiled, putting his book aside.
"I know, I'm still worried. You don't know how he might act, that's the problem.", Mahina replied, shaking her boots off to run barefoot, her feet deep in the chilly water.
"Mhm...I know...", Kian sighed, his raspy voice speaking of restlessness.
Suddenly, the oldest shyly smiled, and pointed towards two figures coming closer from afar.
Two male werewolf figures, both with red hair and brown eyes, lighter ears and tails, who were surrounded by girls, all admiring them.
"Seems our friends are being Romeos again.", Kian smirked, seeing his sister clench her fists at the sight of Liam.
They listened to their friends conversations.
Although around ten girls surrounded them, Liam and Elias somehow managed to hold a pep talk with them all. Unbeknownst to them, one of them was planning something.

"Well Ladies, seems we share interests eh?", Liam winked, messing with a Rose in his hand.
"Oh absolutely! Never knew such charming men could be interested in fashion!", a girl in a dark purple dress exclaimed happily.
Another one slapped her. "Uh uh! He was talking to me! Why would he care about fashion, ain't that right? I bet horses are more his thing!", the other yelled. Liam smirked, and together with Elias threw their Roses in the air.
"Whoever catches is gets a date!", they shouted, as Mahina growled.
The woman in the purple dress and in the turquoise dress were still fighting.
Elias finally interfered.
"Yo Ladies! Please quit fighting to be the princess! We're two after all, no need to wait in line!", he shouted, regaining the women's attention.
"Sorry..", purple dress blushed, before she dragged Liam towards her. "Let me be your Juliet!", she half-shouted. "Let's try...", Liam winked, and the two started kissing. Again, Mahina started feeling angry.
The roses got caught by the other lady, the one in the greenish dress. "Do I get a double now? Two are better than one!", she winked, as Elias pulled her towards him. A few minutes later and after some words being exchanged, some ladies fled the area, crying.

The Donovan Romeos stood together, laughing.
"Ladies are always fun until they get to close...that's a reason I'll never find my mate.", Liam grunted, and Mahina could feel his feeling of empowerment through their connection, which only made her angry.
"These...these Idiots! I hate what they do to women! They can't go around breaking hearts anymore, I-I can't take this!", she shouted, before leaving towards the boys, trying to cool her temper.
She pulled Liam aside, softly slapping him again.

"Seriously? Oh, you were watching, weren't you?", Liam smirked, pulling one of the queens towards him.
"I won't be your Juliet! I hate your Romeo games!", she whisper-yelled, her ears angrily twitching.
"I should be able to tell if that were the case. You can't hate me, literally.", Liam grinned, somewhat cautiously backing off. "I hate you!", Mahina whispered, before watching Liam run off. She was sat there for a while, lost in thought and not noticing how it got dark outside.
Kian, still reading his book heard a voice that immediately made him pay attention.

"M- I mean Kian! Something's going on! You gotta help!", Giulia begged, looking to be severely hurt.
Without hesitation, Kian jumped up and followed his Guard. "Are you okay? Who else is hurt?", he calmly asked. "Only a few cuts, but fine. Elias and Liam Donovan are barely alive. They're fighting like bears! Other than that, a few guards I forgot the names of. Huh?!", Giulia explained, then stared in shock as she saw Mahina already being far ahead.
As soon as she heard Liam was in trouble, her instincts took over and she ran to help.
No matter how much she'd hate his ways, she'd always care for her friend. Although she had a hard time sharing her true feelings.

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