Nineteen| Star Hollow

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A mere day later, the group arrived at the gates.
"This is it.", Mahina mumbled, clutching her sisters hand.
Nichole had led the group, so she backed off to have Dehja stand closest to the gates.
"Aelia Amana, find your home.", she mumbled, revealing a scar a hair strand was covering.
Dehja held her head low, then scanned the gates.
There were cyrptic words in the door, something in an ancient language.
"Cebelio...Amana...", Dehja repeatedly uttered, not realizing she was starting to glow.
~~3rd Person POV, Dehja~~

As the younger queen stood there, trying to find out what the ancient words read, she heard a voice in her head, the male's voice from the realm.
"Lady Aelia, you've returned.", he uttered lovingly.
"I have.", she replied, not realizing she talked aloud.
"Psh, voice in her head.", Nichole whispered, dragging the new goddesses siblings away.

"I see your on your own? Not that I bother-", the man continued.
"I'm with my siblings, and a loyal friend.", she replied.
"I see you are without the one's complete information your heart. You must be fully filled, in order to enter, I can sense a hole within you.", the man elaborated, his voice calm like a river.
"You told me I could enter when I was here..., what is holding me up?", she patiently questioned.

"Let's go in!" Her sister echoed.

"You aren't with the people that call themselves holy warriors. Your siblings assist you, but this job has to be done by those, you seek for comfort in a sad night, those you choose to visit, those you would die for.", the man explained.
"I would die for my siblings.", Dehja insisted.
"Surely yes, but this is nature. This isn't what I'm talking about. Allow me to elaborate...", the man replied, his voice getting more and more patient.
"Please do, what can I call you by the way?", Dehja asked.
"Calum, my lady. But allow me to explain...
In order to enter what you crave, your heart needs to be filled. And this can solely be achieved if you are surrounded by those tightest to your heart, the ones you regularly go crazy for. Amijalo.", Calum responded, giving Dehja a moment to think.

"My friends...but how..?", she whispered, slightly tearing up. "This place is a pure danger! I do not want them to be in any danger, can't I just get in?", Dehja whined.
"My lady, behind these gates is the key to your true power, but for that you'll need your close ones, the ones you can't live without. Aelia Amana, camdero amijalo.", Calum finished.
Silently, the queen repeated the Calcian sentence over and over, trying yo make sense of it.
"Camdero amijalo..something about my friends. But what- oh I think I know, wait no- maybe?- I can try-", she rambled.
She had paced up and down, and by now Kian had joined her.
"Chamber of friends.", he translated.
"I know that much.", his sister whisper-snapped.
Kian grinned at his sister, pulling away a bit.
That's when she started to see what her brother was talking about.
"I think I know. Chamber of friends...that means..hold up. Kian, you have a book on the 'Holy Chambers', I think it was?", she asked, grinning as her brother nodded, revealing the book he'd been carrying.
Dehja yelped in excitement, hugging her brother happily.
She turned pages in the book until she found what she'd been looking for.

"Chamber of friends, or Holy Chambers. The place the holy warriors regain their powers, assisting Aelia Amana in her quest. In the outskirts of any city not far from-", Dehja read, until she hastily closed the book, yelping as she hurt her finger.
Without  a word, she ran off, somewhere in the woods.
The queen transformed into an animal after using her magic to do so, and she raced towards wherever she was heading. Kian sighed, a shy smile appearing on his face.
"You know where she's headed? Should we be worried?", Nichole questioned.
Kian grinned, and he calmly mumbled to himself, a spell. "Locato."
"She simply knows where this place is.  No need to worry Nichole. It's a family thing.", the king chuckled. He turned his head to see his sister in wolf form, followed by a bunch of magic.
He chuckled again, uttering a spell to hide any tracks.

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