Four| Locked away building romance

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3rd Person

The Queen's awoke in a cell, their arms and legs tied to a small bench, which they were laying on. Hooded creatures greeted them by laughing in their faces.
"Finally you are awake, it's about time. Her Highness is ready to meet you.", one of the men yelled.
"Where are we?!", Mahina questioned, yelling.
"As if you don't know...pathetic child. Does queen Nocturna ring a bell? Well, there she is...", the guard yelled, bowing as a silver haired creature entered, who immediately cut them with a giant blade.
"Bow! Now!", she yelled, snapping at the chains to have her prisoners follow her command.
"We'll never be scared of you, powerless bitch!", Mahina yelled, somehow managing to stand up.
She'd been wondering for how long they were in here,  but she had a tactic.
"How could this happen?! This stupid potion meant to weaken them for over a month!", she shouted at her guard.
"Bluntly said, it already ran out. It's been two months now.", the guard confessed, promptly getting slapped.
The pain the queens went through on this and the next few days was unbearable, especially as these days turned into multiple weeks, and one day the sisters got to have a weak chat, exhausted from all the blood dripping from them.

"You think someone will find us?", Dehja asked, her voice sounding like sandpaper.
"I think so. I never give up hope, someone will come for us, no matter what.", Mahina whispered back.
"You absolutely sure?", Dehja asked, trying to break her chains, unsuccessful yet again.
"Absolutely. I believe in our people, or more specifically our dear brother.", Mahina smirked, and she didn't know it yet, but she was completely right.


The day the Donovan's heard of the Queen's capture, Elias reacted with screaming, whilst Liam was solely worried for the queen's life, instinctively, he wanted to safe her. Since the kings was last to hear, and eager Liam made his way towards the castle, Dana, who could escape followed behind, her mind only on Dehja.
"Kian! Kian! You've gotta hear this!", Liam gasped, merely out of breath.
"What's up?", Kian asked, a worried look on his face.
"They've captured Dehja and Mahina. One or two months ago..", Dana continued, looking at the ground.
Calmly, Kian closed his book, only mildly raising his voice.
"How am I only hearing this now? You also only heard now, am I right?", he asked, pulling Liam in a hug, who promptly pushed him off. Seeing this reaction, Kian smiled, before replying to Liam's nod.
"Well, Nocturna's men have them. And I think I actually might have a realistic idea of where they are. Look, this area is all blacked out.", Kian calmly pointed out, which made Liam angry.
"How are you so calm?! I can tell how much pain she's in!", Liam yelled, and Kian perked up.
"They're torturing them?!", Kian asked, harshly clapping his book on the desk.
"Yes. I feel everything. They're barely alive. We gotta find them, now!", Liam yelled, and after Dana talked about how she escaped the scary men and how she felt what Dehja felt, the three got to planning, a nervous Liam growing more and more anxious as two more days went by.

The day they set out, Liam couldn't have been more on edge. Freeing Mahina was his upper most priority.
"Okay...uh oh Liam! You've gotta stay calm, the soul monster's coming out!", Dana worriedly explained, instinctively tackling Liam, who's pupils had turned a dangerous black by now.
"I wish I could Dana! I fucking wish!", he shouted, angrily punching the air. This time, Dana didn't flinch, but flawlessly turned a struggling Liam against the tree, immobilizing him temporarily.
With every minute, the pain Liam felt from his connected soul felt worse, he was going insane.
That's when Dana worked her magic.
"Traffero.", she whispered over and over again, until all the power the black pupils had over their host, had left.
"Thanks Dana, couldn't have done it without you.", Liam shyly smiled, before finally going on top of the horse he was meant to ride. Dana only smiled, fighting to hold control herself.

The closer the friends got to where the queen's where apparently held, Liam grew more and more nervous, feeling the unbearable pain, then emptiness.
"Someone tried to take her life, we gotta hurry!", Liam shouted, speeding up his horse out of despair.
"We don't know where they are?! Where are you going?!", Kian shouted.
"I can sense her! You don't have a freaking soul friend. You can't sense her, but I freaking can! She's somewhere here!", Liam yelled back, dashing far ahead.
Arriving at an old building, he got more and more nervous, until he was about to freak out, and that's when Kian took over, he mumbled a spell.
"Ruvoso!", he mumbled.
"Ruvoso!", Kian tried again, louder this time. Nothing, yet again.
"Almoso Ruvoso!", Kian shouted, now panicking.
Again, nothing. On the walls was a writing, only made to see by one person.
Whilst Kian was still trying out spells,  Liam felt himself drawn towards the plate.
"I can't read it..", Liam mumbled, before even taking a look at the old, dusty plate.

~~~Below in the prison POV

Mahina and Dehja were alone in the cell, angsty, but alive. Only the soul connection between Mahina and Liam had split, causing both enormous pain. That's when the guards came in for another round of 'amusement' as they called it. Slash the queens and watch them suffer was their evening entertainment, just sick.
"Well, who's ready for some fun?", a guard laughed, immediately slashing Mahina, then Dehja, forcing them to laugh.
"Lucky for us no one loves you-", the guards speech was interrupted by Mahina's thought process.
For some reason, when she thought of love, her mind immediately went to Liam.
"But I hate him..", she tried to convince herself.
"But...he's a Romeo!", she argued to herself as the pain made her go numb, until she eventually blacked out.

~~~~~Back upstairs~~~~

Liam was surprised he could effortlessly read the message.
"Only one with love in their heart for the people in need may enter. Only romantic love may loosen the chains.", he read aloud.
"You can read this?!", Kian asked, but his question remained ignored.

"Only one with love in their heart for the people in need may enter. Only romantic love may loosen the chains.", the flirty red head repeated. The word love automatically made him think of Mahina, although he didn't know why, he was sure his true love would be in someone...not royal.
Because of the final line..."When the love is reciprocated, and genuine the captured shall be free.", he didn't try to open the door. Although he'd known he had a crush on Mahina for the longest time, he knew she hated him. Having almost given up hope, Liam leaned against the wall, cursing himself.
All of a sudden, the door opened, and a staircase became visible. Now without hesitation, the flirty redheaded werewolf follows the stairs, which lead him towards guards.

"How'd you get here?! Only one who truly loves the queens was supposed to get in!", the guards yelled, pointing their weapons at him. Being the athlete that he was, he jumped over the guards, quickly disarming them in the process.
"Exactly. Plus, you gotta be fast when you steal hearts.", the Casanova smirked, before making a break towards the cells, Dana now close behind, aware of each other's feelings towards the sisters.
Yells came from a specific cell, and the angry duo stopped.
For a moment, they watched as the queens were tortured, Mahina trying to protect her sister in the process. Even though the situation was horrible, Liam smiled. "That's my Mahina, although without the my. I don't deserve her.", he whispered, just before Dana bust open the door, setting the guards in flames.
"No one hurts my Dehja! If you dare touch her again, I'll fucking murder you!", Dana yelled, setting the guards more on fire.
In the midst of all this mess, Liam ran towards Mahina, who was barely conscious and smiling as he freed her.

"Now, now Romeo. Thanks for freeing me.", she raspily whispered. Liam smirked, feeling his heart beat around twice, no three times as fast as what he was used to.
"Spare your voice, beautiful.", Liam smiled, stroking hair out of her face as Dana was still rampaging.
"I won't be your Juliette!", Mahina protested, but Liam only smiled as he picked her up, the latter showing no resistance.

"But I'll always be your Romeo, no matter what!", he replied, carrying her outside.
Once back with her brother, Mahina instinctively wanted to stay in Liam's arms, since she couldn't walk herself.
"No one touches my queen, not if I can help it. ", Liam smirked, and for the first time ever, Mahina blushed. "Stopp it, I hate your Romeo compliments..", she weakly protested, blushing.
"I'm dead serious. I'll protect you of anything, my queen,", Liam repeated, not resisting the tension anymore and kissing Mahina.
After a minute too long, a blushing Mahina slapped him, shouting :"I hate you Liam!", although literally no one believed her.

A/n: #Lihina #true love, who's down? Xx

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