Twenty|Break for lovers

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Not far from where Kian and Giulia were standing, Nichole stood with a smile on her face.
A few more meters away, behind all the 'kids', as she called them, appeared a very familiar pair of ice blue eyes with blonde hair, three warriors at the man's side.
Nichole chuckled, and excused herself to sprint over.
"Hey there...seems a doll recognizes her player eh?", The blonde grinned, a slight blush appearing on his face.
"Well yeah, only very few people have these eyes my love.", Nikki grinned, the couple completely ignoring the guards.
"Seems we got a few minutes, but why are you here?" Luca asked, pulling his girlfriend closer.
"Well, it's a load of destiny stuff my love, let's not worry about that now, shall we?", Nichole replied, as purple hair fell on blonde. Without another word, the couple involved in a kiss, her swinging her legs around her partner as they bent over.
Nichole's hair waved in the wind, creating a curtain as the former inhabitants of Puppeteer and Destroyer moved even closer.
Her hair clutched against her face, and laid on top of Luca's head. He grinned, and from afar it seemed as if the couple was a giant ball.
Kian had Giulia against a tree, playing with her gorgeous blue hair.
"Well, it seems my dream of a walking ocean came true..." he whispered, holding one of her strands to work as a beard. Giulia burst out laughing, and Kian blushed.
"Sorry, I never learned pick up lines. But really, your hair reminds me of the sea, which I adore.", he mumbled, smiling at Giulia, who had her eyes focused on him, and her hands on his hips.
"And I always get lost in your eyes.", she replied, her cheeks heating up.

No one noticed the purple-blonde haired couple still cuddling up in the back, cockily bragging around, joking and chatting, not without a higher heart beat.
Kian's eyes lime green eyes had changed to adjust the light, and were now a forest green, mix-matching with Giulia's ocean blue ones.
"Can I kiss you again?", Kian shyly asked, before the guard clearly had the same thought, but didn't bother to ask. Their lips locked, and their heart beats rose again, matching their heated movements.
Liam chuckled, as he followed Mahina up in a tree, where they leaned shoulder on shoulder, exchanging kissed every now and then.
The queen still held her bow, but her ears and tail were fully directed towards Liam, as were his to her.

"Hey there Romeo, I really hate you. Just so you know.", Mahina gushed.
"Oh really now? Let's see about that, shall we?"
"At the same time I wanna hug you, wrap my hands around your neck. I wanna hug you, so bad right now.", the queen grinned, pulling her arms against the tree, smirking.
"...I love you too.", Liam grinned.
"Y'know what I wonder sometimes Romeo?", the queen asked.
"Why'd you choose me?"
"We're mates dumbass."
"Maybe, but-what?-", the queen paused and looked at her wrist, messing with her hair.-"-oops, yes we're mates. But still, why'd you choose me before that?", the queen finished.

Liam pulled one of her arms away from the tree, leading her a few meters away. His eyes sparkled, the brown lightened up by the green.
"Aren't you going to say something?"
Liam didn't reply, he pulled Mahina's arm around him, and lifted her up, proceeding to spin her around, her hair flying wildly.
She laughed, and blushed.
"I will always choose you, Mahy.", he whispered, holding the queen on his arms, and she was blushing.
"Oh darn it Romeo! I hate this!", she protested weakly, but it was obvious she didn't feel the way she said she did.
Liam proceeded to spin her around, her now dress flying angelic.
Liam went red, but continued to spin her, only breaking it with throwing her up and catching her at the hips.
Holding her, she swung her arms around him, letting herself dangle around.
"Wanna play monkey huh? So shall it be then..", Liam grinned, grabbing onto a vine and pulling both of them up.
With puppy eyes, Mahina grabbed onto him tighter, her bow still in the way.
"Monkey!", she smiled.
"Let's get rid of this...", her partner mumbled, throwing away her bow.
Not so far from Star Hollow was a pond, and the duo had an awesome idea as to what they were planning on doing.

The queen jumping ahead, they landed in the lake, which they were barely able to stand in.
Mahina shook her head to release the water stuck in her hair, and now still damp they curled up messily, clutching against her now more tan face, some parts slightly covering her left eye.
Just like Liam's, her hair was now darker and matched the tone of bark.
Liam copied her before swimming over, both still in clothes.

"You really wanna swim fully clothed?", Liam laughed.
"Nah. But I know you're thirsty, so not yet.", the queen grinned, slapping him playfully, to which he whined.
"Oh come on..I'll be back in a sec. You should loose your top too if you wanna keep it not-ripped.", she smirked.
The queen disappeared, and pulled off her shirt, conveniently already wearing a bikini top, and comfy shorts, which she also got rid of, now both fully in underwear.
Liam awaited her, and went fully red seeing his mates body, although it was scarred it was perfect to him.
"Don't look at the scars, I really hate them..", the queen covered.
"It's a sign of how brave you I don't mind scars gorgeous.", her mate smiled, pulling her face in his hands, gently stroking it.
He lovingly looked at her, seeing her blushing face didn't exactly make it easier.
"Stop staring will you thirsty boy? Let's have fun, or are we just gonna stand around?", Mahina asked impatiently, forcing her Romeo to look up with her hands. Liam whined, but grabbed her hips and lifted her up.
"What are you doing?", she laughed, trying to leave his grip.
Then, Liam let himself fall, and so both of them fell to the depths of the lake, and glad to be able to breathe in water.

"Oh come on Romeo! Should I show you what I can do?", the queen groaned, winking.
Liam shrugged, and promptly used the water to impress with a backflip.
The queen's hair was now flowing around her, giving a relaxing vibe. Under the water, her hair seemed darker and even softer, her ears and tail had retracted, but usually they'd be a dark grey by now.
"Aqua tackle!!", the queen yelled, quickly reaching Liam and dragging him to the ground. He smirked, and pulled her towards him, so she couldn't escape.
She managed to slap him and swim away, but this time he grabbed her tighter, and from the front.
"No escape now gorgeous."
Mahina growled, but eventually gave up, letting herself relax on her mates chest.
"Underwater kiss?", Liam blurted out.
"Huh?!", the queen blushed.
"You know what...let's just do it...", he sighed, and they engaged in a kiss underwater, although the alpha female was reluctant at first.
"Underwater kisses are know what Romeo? I love you, and always have.", the queen yelped, fixing her hair.
Liam smiled, as he dragged her closer to him, now she could feel his heartbeat. His warmth was even showing through the depths of the water, their hearts beat in sync, adapting to each other.
Numbed noises could be heard, it was people talking.

"Should we join?", Kian asked, still holding Giulia's hand. "Nope. It's about time they get to be alone.", Dehja refused, shaking her head to lean on Dana's shoulder. "Guess you're right. It just matters theyre happy.", he happily sighed.

The other couple was making out and wrestling on the lake grounds, and could he heard laughing through the surface.
"Gorgeous, you're seriously the best thing to happen to me.", Liam abruptly interrupted, a blushing and smiling queen staring back at him.
"You're the best partner I could've wished for...I love you Liam." Mahina replied.

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