Chapter Sixty-Two| Salvation

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"We can prove former Westins are behind this.", Giulia's uncle announced. She perked up.
Questioning, she raised a brow.
Then, she saw multiple pieces of typical Westin cloth in her uncle's now gloved hand.
Mischief sparkled in his eyes.

"Where'd you get that from?", she asked, hopping off of her chair, still trying to breathe under Kian's hug.
A slight chuckle escaped her as she blushed furiously.
Mahina followed behind Luca, as did Liam.
Both wore the same grins as Giulia's uncle.
Instead of Luca, Kian replied.

"Right from where mom was shot. Just a few meters away. Just under a piece of stone.
It's all bloody, too. Plus-." "Plus we didn't think to look there, since we thought the shots were fired from straight above, but after seeing a Westin-typical bow, we realized they must've fired from a bit to the left. Our guards are chasing 'em down.", Mahina finished.
By now Giulia was redder then a tomato.

"I-didn't find out anything.", she confessed quietly.
Instead of saying something, she noticed her uncle move to the table, and study the file.
A laugh escaped as he flipped the last page.
His fingers knocked on the page.

"This should help.", he simply advised, motioning her to check it out.
She moved it over with her magic, Kian still hugging the air out of her, and took a good luck.

In ancient Calcian, it read something.
Giulia's eyes sparkled as she read it aloud.

"I'll never give up. If I die, it will be as a true guard. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect the people. I've sworn to protect, and I will. You'll never kill me, fools." It read.
At first confused, Giulia looked back at her uncle, who grinned.
"Seeming familiar?"
Giulia's mind started racing wilder then before.
And whilst the others left her for the rest of the day, her notes wouldn't be finished until the sun had risen a second time.

'Pathetic to think rules could hold me. They're meant to be broken anyway. And if keeping them causes less pain to those inforcing, why not fucking break 'em?' These words repeated themselves in Chris' mind. A few more papers landed on his head, but he couldn't break the rules more.
That's what he thought, until a memory flooded back in his mind.
'Rules don't bind me. I'm a free bird.' Words echoed through his conscious.

He decided to open one of the papers, it was a cut out from a letter.
After opening another, he found the starter part to the same letter.
A letter from his brother, to their parents out of a cell.
But after bit, he found more pieces of the letter.
A loud poof sounded in his ear.
Deafening loud were only the screams that would follow.
Four more days had passed, and all Chris could hear was screams.

'Help! Help!'
'These guards can't do another attack from them!'
'Not Maylands again! They're here to finish the killing spree!'
'Not now!-Kian, don't go! I know you wanna-' his daughters screams were cut off mid sentence, but soon after he heard her again.
'-I know you wanna safe your people!'s only Maylands! Please, Kian! I couldn't loose you! Especially after we've almost proven who killed your mom! We've almost got-'
'Giulia! I can't just let them die!' Chris heard Kian's voice protest.

'We can't take it! We need help!' He heard one of the guards. Unsure, he simply continued reading the notes. All that, even though it was fully against his nature to ignore people who need help.
He couldn't break the rules further.

'Oh c'mon! Like I'd help...pathetic.' One read. Clearly another Luca quote. Some more were just repeats.

'Pathetic to think rules could hold me. They're meant to be broken anyway. And if keeping them causes less pain to those inforcing, why not fucking break 'em?'
'Pathetic to think rules could hold me. They're meant to be broken anyway. And if keeping them causes less pain to those inforcing, why not fucking break 'em?'
Chris growled as he ripped one note.
He would've ripped it completely, if it weren't for a few runes on the back.
Hesitant to bend the few rules further, curiosity got the better of him.

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