Chapter Thirty-Six| My whole life

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The moon was already shining, the air was clear if clouds. A lone werewolf wandered around, sunken deep in this thoughts, he was mumbling poetic verses.
A soft breeze tickled him, allowing for a f laugh to escape in the quiet night.
The only other light shines from the boy's lime green eyes, which cautiously scanned the area, everything was peaceful.
Taking the trusted path, he followed the gate of vines, the rose bushes and reached the lake, not too far from Star Hollow.
Taking his shoes off, he sat down and unpacked his bag.
He pulled out a notebook, and continued with his poem, his tail paddling through the calm water.

It was still dark outside, when he finished.
Quietly, he read the poem.
"Everyday you light my life on the daily,
You beat my heart.
It has a life of its own, because you make it start.
It may sound cliche, but I'm to scared to express,
The way you cheer me up, the way you impress'
The flames you created came to life in the form of a warrior, ready to fight in beauty and style.
I call you princess thief, because you stole my heart on day one, and even if I tried, you already have it won.
I call you hero, because your help let's me hear my heart as loud as a stereo on a party night.
I call you working might, cuz you walk in my dreams all night.
Every time I see, I get lost in a sea, not scared to drown because in your arms I feel secure.
Your laugh so pure, it always lights me up, your warmth makes me go insane.
I wish you to be mine, ocean princess, warrior of the Devine."

Slightly unhappy, the werewolf mumbled, repeating it to himself, changing two verses.
"I call you my hero.."
To "I wish you heard my heart, how you made it start and how you bump it in case it stops."
And the first verse.
From "Everyday you beat my heart.."
To: "My heart beats for you, for your touch on the daily, I crave your warmth with all cells of my being."

Finally satisfied, he scribbled the entire thing down on a better paper, now looking more romantic and nervously sighed.

"My heart beats for you, for your touch on the daily, I crave your warmth with all cells of my being.
It has a life of its own, because you make it start.
It may sound cliche, but I'm to scared to express,
The way you cheer me up, the way you impress'
The flames you created came to life in the form of a warrior, ready to fight in beauty and style.
I call you princess thief, because you stole my heart on day one, and even if I tried, you already have it won.
I wish you heard my heart, how you made it start and how you bump it in case it stops.
I call you working might, cuz you walk in my dreams all night.
Every time I see, I get lost in a sea, not scared to drown because in your arms I feel secure.
Your laugh so pure, it always lights me up, your warmth makes me go insane.
I wish you to be mine, ocean princess, warrior of the Devine."

It had dawned by now, and the poet went to his room for rest.
He'd been craving to finish this poem, and at last he did. He just hoped his Ocean Princess would reciprocate his love.
Later that day, he finally managed to meet up with her, outside.
"Hi Kian!", Giulia greeted happily, hugging him.
" glad to see you're back on your feet.", Kian smiled, blushing.
"You know what Kian? I heard I can fit the whole world in my hands!", the blue haired bragged.
"That's not possible.", Kian protested, his eyes shrinking as he thought.
Before he was able to say another word, Giulia cupped his face with her hands.
Noticing this, Kian blushed furiously.
"I...uh...I...I've me..?", Kian stuttered, gasping as if he'd forgotten how to breathe.
"Of course I do, I like you!", Giulia confessed, swinging her arms around Kian.
"I..I got this...for you..", Kian stumbled, tripping as he handed over his poem.
"F..For me? Thank you!", Giulia gasped.
She opened it to read it aloud in front of a blushing Kian.

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