Chapter Twenty-Three| Try again

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Night after night, Dehja tried and tried to gain her full power, lasting longer each attempt.
It still wasn't enough, she was pushing too hard, months ended up passing.

Eventually, the young queen was interrupted by her mom's soft voice.
"'re trying so hard. Please take a break."
"I can't mom...I need to be able to gain this....Keske needs to be stopped.", Dehja helplessly whispered.
"Honey...I know this feeling okay? Back when I had the hardest battle in my time, I couldn't do it either. Not without breaks, the people I cared about most.
Ethan, Justin and Finn, not to forget Kayla, Vivo and Chico. Couldn't have made it without them, no doubt. But the most important is that you trust yourself.", Sheila mumbled, pulling her resistant daughter towards her.
"Mom I can't! People rely on me! That's such pressure!", Dehja cried.
" will be fine honey. If everything fails, my pack and I will help out, no doubt about that. But you can't help anyone if you're too tired, please go to sleep."

Hours passed slowly, the night was still deep.
Somewhere in the woods, at a deep lake sat a brown haired and red haired werewolf, leaning against each other. Their tails combined, twirled together as branches waved in the wind, as did the woman's hair, gently stroking her face.
The water kept their feet wet, slight waves comforted the couple.
The couples hands connected, their eyes locked.
The male carefully grabbed his mates face, his thumb following her cheekbones, and a scar from play-fighting. He smiled, noticing the moon rise higher behind his partner, causing a reflection to appear in his eyes.  She moved her tail around his back, and giggled as his tickled her nose.
The redhead blushed, and his ears twitched.
She turned around, and let herself relax in the man's arms. Happily she sighed, allowing her tail to dip in the comfortably warm lake.
The redhead messed with her hair, twirling it to curls with his water powers. Then, their quiet, lovey-dovey chat filled the night.
"How come the night makes you seem like a goddess?", Liam whispered.
"Ts ts Romeo, being cliche again. Not that I mind though...", Mahina whispered back.
Liam bent over, silencing a laughing queen with a kiss.
She squealed, feeling the abs on the topless body with her fingers.
He messed up her hair, causing her to quietly laugh.

"I've missed these quiet moments Romeo.", Mahina quietly explained.
" too.", a zoned out Liam responded, he was too caught in her eyes.
"You're an Ass but I love you nonetheless Romeo. You mean the world to me, or even more. You don't even know what I'd give for you.", the queen confessed. Liam went even more red in the face, and smiled.
The duo was all alone, wonderful silence filled the night as they kissed, letting their emotions run free.
Both their eyes sparkled joyous, Liam shoving the queen in the lake.

"Now there can't be wet hotness. Maybe I can focus on talking now.", he winked, greeting a laughing Mahina in the water.
"Just you wait..", she playfully growled, then dove down and lifted her lover in the air, his tail around her neck, his body on her arms.
"Watcha doing?", the redhead asked. Before anyone had the chance to get a reply, Mahina dragged both of them underwater, not having realized the water removed her top, revealing little scars on it, and amazing curves.
Liam went red underwater, as he moved to pull her in for a hug, his fingers running along her scars on her body.
Now having realized what happened, an embarrassed queen tried to cover, but eventually blushed, swinging her arms around Liam's neck.
"Thirty much?", she giggled, her blush only getting more intense with the minute.
Her hand moved to his face, her fingers exploding his jawline, stroking hair out of his eye.
"You never told me about these scars.", Liam mumbled.
"I don't like them.", Mahina confessed.
"But I do, they show how tough you are.", Liam quietly replied, bubbles forming a ring from his mouth.
Mahina scanned the bottom of the lake, unsure of what to say, before Liam made her lock eyes, a soft smile on his face.
"No need to be ashamed, you look gorgeous." Liam answered the non verbal doubt.
His fingers wandered along her scars, always keeping his eyes on her, careful to watch her movement.

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