Chapter Sixty-One| Staring to figure out the puzzle

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The soul was leaving the library, his wife's voice and prayers reaching even the deepest depths of his mind.
He hadn't talked to anyone in forever, and time in here passed twice as fast as in the over-world. Nonetheless, he felt himself going insane.

He had learned nothing new as to what his task might open, or what it might be. Although it was a test, rather then a task.
A winged creature flew by, handing him a piece of paper, only saying one phrase.

'Let's see how far.' It read. The soul's forehead folded in impatience. No new clues so far.

Kian's eyes widened the more he read this paper, covering it from Giulia with his body.
His eyes wandered across the page, sucking up each detail like a sponge.
Things didn't piece together quite yet, but at least he had a clue, his eyes sparkled as he turned around.
The wind from an opened window messed up his hair, and tickled his neck with a cold breeze, conjuring a soft giggle in the kings body.
He was still hiding the paper, but his eyes sparkled like stars.
"We've got a clue.", he announced happily, grabbing the sheet, and busting the door.
Laughing, he raced outside.
Giulia attempted to follow him.

"You stay! Keep a look at the files! Take a look at the book of bows!", Kian called as he ran backwards, Giulia nodding in confusion.
Kian reached the wall panting, and he took a good look at the paper. Afar, in the shadows, he spotted a pair of wooden flocks stuck in the ground.
"What could this mean? There's just wood..", Kian mumbled, then leaned further forward.
In the shadows, he picked up on something in the corner of his eye.
Something, which perked his interest.

Still on a quest to figure out his task, the soul re-read the paper a dozen times.
He still hasn't said a word, but felt the presence of the deity not far from him since the last two days, or day in the mortal realm.
He saw the figure of the deity move towards him, and land a mere meter away, and stare.
The soul almost ripped the paper, then merely stuffed it in his bag carelessly.

"Still looking for your task? You'll have to figure it out yourself, pathetic mortal.", the figure chuckled, already leaving.
He let out a frustrated, wordless growl.
His wife's and daughters desperation was driving him crazy, but he couldn't do anything.
That's what made him the most angry.
Unsatisfied, he moved around in the dirt, eventually stumbling across something.
He picked the item up, and found himself holding the handle of a sword.
Cautiously, he studied it for a while, seeing snakes go up to where the blade must've been.
Slightly curious, he continued inspecting it, up until a suspicious noice caused him to stuff it in his bag.

Quietly, Kian walked up to the shadows, where he noticed a silhouette.
A guards' silhouette to be more specific.
He remembered his mother mentioning a silhouette hush by, but he brushed it off.
The king crept up on the silhouette, until he noticed he'd been watching Nichole.
He blushed and tried to move away, until he picked up on a little detail in the bushes behind the guard.
A detail, that hadn't been there before the attack on his mother.
A bracelet. A dark leather bracelet.
Glancing over to Nichole, the king saw she wore pretty much the same bracelet.
As he tried to poke Nichole, he noticed she'd been a clone.
Before he could leave, he decided to take another look around.
His eyes sparkled as another glimpse of joy filled his chest.

He moved three steps from the bracelet, and picked up on the holder of a sword.
Light green and black. As in the former Calcian uniform.
Whoever had been watching, must've been a guard way before Keske took over.
With a sudden idea, Kian sprinted off back to Giulia, who had been sleeping by now.

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