Eight| Knight in shining armor to the rescue and suffering

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3rd Person

As the dust settled, the siblings coughed.
"Everyone okay?", Kian asked, brushing dirt off of his shirt.
"I think so, Dana and I are fine.", Dehja responded, holing a nervous Dana in her arms.
"Liam? How're you doing?", Kian asked, having received no answer from the flirty redhead.
He looked around, seeing the young werewolf on his knees, panting. Seemingly, he was mostly unharmed however.
Kian stroke through his hair, the dark brown being  more similar to black in the dark room.
The king sighed, upon seeing Giulia run towards him, being the first one to point out the obvious.

"Oh my, thank Fauna you're okay! Wait-where's Mahina? Did she run away?", Giulia asked, pointing on the ground.
Kian stumbled over his words. Where was his sister?!
Liam was the first one to stand up, his body was shaking with anger.
"This 'Demon King' has her! I swear if he hurts her, I'll kill him!", Liam shouted, a fiery aura surrounding his body.
The others in the room were shaken with fear, Dana shaking even more.
Another person had entered the room, seeing how Liam's pupils turned black.
A bad sign for soul friend connection, he'd reached a level where he'd have no control if he let go.

Ethan Donovan was standing in front of his son, shielding him from hurting someone, his sister and mother followed suit.
Dawn held her brothers arm, trying to calm him.
"Come on Liam, I know what happened but try to keep your cool. Please Liam, try to breathe.", she mumbled, hugging her twin, who pushed her off.
"Leave me! I wanna hurt the guy who took her!", Liam shouted.
Ethan sighed, now trying to calm his son himself.
Elias was outside, angrily talking to both Sheila, Nicholas and Finn.
"Come on Liam. I gotta know what happened too.
I know you're older, but even her brother ain't freaking out. Guess you two are closer anyway.", Ethan joked, staring in his sons eyes.

Dehja was calming down Dehja, who promptly ran towards her dad, pulling her crush after her.
"Dad! Some demon king took Mahina! She sacrificed herself for Liam, I-I think!", she blurted out, hopping around nervously.
"Calm Dana, keep breathing.", Dehja mumbled, causing both girls to blush like crazy.
Finn looked from his daughter to his best friend, smiling at both.
"I think Liam is well on the way of making his way towards her. She'll be alright. She is just like her mother.", Finn smirked, stroking his daughters head.
Sheila leaned on the wall, slightly angry watching Liam.
She was concerned, but kept herself calm.
Upon Dana questioning it, she responded.

"She's though. I'll still destroy whoever hurts my kids. I'll let Liam figure this out, he needs to let off energy.", she replied, her eyes glimmering softly, tears appearing in them.
Dana nodded, clinging onto Dehja, enjoying the smell of her shoulder long, light brown hair. Meanwhile, the other werewolf queen had gotten a thin, red strand in her hair. It was becoming more and more and it suited her amazingly.

Liam had cooled off a bit, and ran towards the library, the spirits following him per Kian's command. The latter was taking care of Giulia, who was angrily smashing her fist in the wall.
"Should've known! Could have done something..! I'm so dumb!", the blue haired guard growled.
A piece of wall broke off, and Kian walked closer.
"Hey..", Kian softly said, running his fingers through Giulia's hair before even noticing that happened.
He blushed, as he caught Giulia's fist mid air.
"Stop blaming yourself. It was by no means your fault.", he smiled, seeing her gorgeous gf ace turn towards him.
"I'm so-", Kian interrupted.
"You're awesome and literally the most beautiful person I know. Please, stop hurting yourself. That's an order.", Kian softly murmured, feeling his cheeks heat up.
She laid her arms around his neck, starting to cry in his chest. "It will all work out.", Kian mumbled in her hair.

Mahina woke up in chains. She vaguely remembered having seen this room before, but she couldn't possibly tell how much time it had been.
Her chest was hurting and she was completely naked, aside from a bra and panties.
She saw herself having new scars on her body, causing her to gasp.
"Oh no!", she breathlessly mumbled.
Then, someone came into the room, a female she'd never seen before.
Then, a blonde female followed.
"Oh good, you're finally awake! You're lucky because the master chose you as a mate. This means you are special!", the blonde gushed.
"I will not! I am meant for someone else as the queen of Calcia! Leave me alone!", Mahina shouted, feeling her pupils turn.

The guards laughed, letting in a tall make with red hair and ghostly white eyes.
"Sadly, you won't have a choice. Kneel before me, your new master!", the deep voice commanded, revealing sharp teeth.
"I will never!", Mahina protested, her shackles now hurt her.
"Again, an order not a question. You've been my...special servant for some weeks now, and now I'm ready to have you carry my next heir. That's all you'll be good for. Beautiful, time to let me in. Try to resist gorgeous, and I'll only go harder.", the man winked, pulling apart the chains to spread her legs.
"Ugh! Lemme go!", Mahina screamed.
The man smiled disturbingly.
"You were chosen to be mine. Be grateful! My mate may be imprisoned, but you will bear the next worlds leader.", the man smirked.
Now Mahina was panicked, she tried to contact her inner wolf and free the chains, but neither worked.
Up until...

Here for you
Finally, she thought, but no more response came after that.

"Oh yeah? What should I bow down for, your poor excuse of a realm? Oh I forgot, I don't even know your name!", Mahina taunted, rattling her chains. Again, to no further avail.
"It's time I break this stone hard will of yours. Time to play, you better be fertile.", the man smirked.
It would only be through someone else that she learned his name.
"Lord Kerke, we've brought what you asked.", a maid bowed, handing a needle. Mahina gulped, trying to protest even more. Then, the mysterious lord went at her, forcing her to sleep with him.
Multiple times a day for over two weeks.
Each time, the queen felt more and more disgusting and more hatred towards her captor.
One night, he entered her room alone, creepily kissing her awake.
She'd protested to much, thought about home endless times. About one person in particular she thought the most.
She was almost certain they'd forgotten her by now, and moved on, as they always did.

"Hello there gorgeous. I think it's time to procreate now. We've had it several dozen times already and I can't wait to see my heir grow inside you.", the man smirked, forcing her to sleep with him again.
"No one except my mate gets to call me gorgeous!", she called, managing to slap her captor.
"Well yes, but I'm your mate. Just accept it beautiful!", the man smirked, causing her to scream.
This went on for weeks, he'd kiss her against her will even when he found out she was indeed pregnant.

"I have to do something! I can't carry that psycho's baby!", Mahina whispered to herself, being four months in. She already knew she had almost no chances to escape.

~~Months later~~~

It was the baby's due date. She'd finally give birth today, then she would hopefully get a chance to get free. Upon the demon entering, she went into labor.
Within three hours, she'd birthed two babies, twin boys. She didn't get to name them, as the demon shouted.
"Oh no...hadn't you refused being my mate you would get to live. Too bad the babies will never see their mom again.", the man smiled, holding her face in his hands.
"I'm not your mate!", Mahina protested, seeing her babies getting carried away. Promptly, she got slapped.
She just wanted home, but flinched at every touch. She wanted to see him, she wanted to see Liam again.

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