Chapter Forty-One| Giulia to the rescue..

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Dana awoke in a bed in the hospital.
Her dads stood by her side, worried.
"What..happened?", she whispered.
"You ended up collapsing amour. As for Kian, he's doing better now, but someone ended up poisoning him.", Jacob quietly explained, stroking her hand.
The girl's ears twitched wildly, her eyes batting open rather slowly.
She sunk deeper in her blankets, sighing.
A little later, Dehja found her mate, and woke her up by holding hands.
"You essentially got really exhausted.", her girlfriend whispered.
Dana nodded, smiling. "I feel weak..", she muttered.
Dehja bent over, whispering something.
Dana blushed. Excited, the couple kissed and cuddled up.

For the next few weeks, Luca was locked in a giant room.
His family thought he ran off, but he got captured instead.
Grumpily, he straightened up in his 'cell', watched as silhouettes rushed by, carrying Immortalica swords with them.
Eventually, a figure entered.
Red hair sparked from the figure, revealing grey eyes.
Instead of saying a thing, the figure pinned Luca down, dragging their sword out.
They remained silent, whilst Luca resisted, kicking back.
Within a second, the blade was straight against his throat.
"No.Games.", the figure hissed.
Luca scoffed, attempting to push of the figure, grabbing them by their neck.
"Not intimidated.", he grinned.
The blade was against him again, but using his old technique, the former guard kicked his aggressor away.
The latter landed against the wall, promptly pinning Luca again, this time more power.
"You're coming with us. No questions." The figure ordered.
"Hm. Who even do you work for, eh?"
"I said no questions."
"And I'm not shutting up until I get an answer."
"You killed our boss. Does Alicia sound familiar?"
"Ts..that's fucking old news. I was seventeen."
"Maybe, but does Amanda Rodrigo ring a bell?"
"Maybe..." (thoughts) [fuck. Alicia's Organisation.]
"You killed her. Two months ago. How about you meet the new boss...Kujò.", the figure taunted, Luca just barely hiding his shock.
[I killed him?!]
Under protests, the figure led Luca to Kujò's office, where two guards immediately pinned him down, again, Immortalica swords to his throat.

Arthur  Kujò raised from his throne, laughing maniacally.
"Well, well, well." He echoed.
"I killed you!", Luca growled.
"That's what you thought. I'm a master of disguises. Telling you my whole plan would be stupid...but I created...Nocturna.", Arthur smirked.
Luca growled. "I hate you, traitor."
"You shouldn't say shit like this. Your live is in my hands."
"Fuck off."
"Quiet, or I'll kill you."
"As if. You need me for this experiment of yours."
"Not anymore. I got your blood, that's all I need. And your armor. You're worthless to me now."
"What even is your plan?"
"As if I'll say...I'm a better killer than you...'boss'."
"Fuck off."
"Repeat that and I'll slaughter you."
"I dare you, fuck off. You're just a guy of big words."
"Last warning. One more word and I'll kill you. Torture would've been better, but death will do."
"Okay, say your goodbye."
"Pathetic bastards."
"I warned you, now you will die. Goodbye Bennet."
"Enjoy bleeding out, Blondie."
"You..bastard! You slashed my chest! And throat!"
"'ll die. Bye bye."
<shut door, blood dropping>
The pain Luca felt was similar to demons grabbing his throat and suffocating him.
He was left gasping for air, claws gripping him and squeezing every drop of blood out of him.
Hours later, the figure came to check.

"Still alive huh?"
"F...fuck off. Can't k..kill me easily, can you?"
"Quiet. Your bleeding out anyway, so don't stretch it for yourself."
"Hm...pathetic bastards."
"Who said that?"
A swoosh sounded, a thump announcing a female's arrival.
Blue hair waved, clutching the females face.
"As I said, pathetic. Can't hide from me.", she scoffed, stopping the blade with her sword.
"I can't die from this psychos.", she smirked, straightening up.
"I have a kill to make! Leave us, useless girl!"
"Call me that again."
"You're useless, just leave!"
"Pathetic losers. Let me show you. Permission?"
"Permission!", another voice echoed, not the girls.
Upon receiving this message, she revealed her double sided blade, slashing the man with it, spinning around like crazy, pinning him to the wall.
"Medicio.", she hissed in passing by.

Like lightning, she slashed the entering figures, Luca catching up from behind, grabbing one of the men's swords, and disappearing.
The girl slashed some more people, blood dripping from her body.
At once, she spotted the groups commander, and bolted towards him, pulling a chokehold on her victim, holding a sword in the other.

"Let him go, useless girl!"
"Drop your weapons! Surrender!"
"Surrender! Drop your armor!"
"Don't worry commander!"
"Drop what your holding!"
The girl took a step back, dropping her dagger, opening her eyes wide.
"Get her!"
When the guards dashed towards her, the girl flipped back, grabbing the man in a chokehold again, this time up in the air, her dagger appeared in her hand again.
"This was fun, but we really gotta hurry this one up losers.", she smirked, letting the man squeal in her grip.
"Surrender, stupid girl!"
"Listen up, I'll never be scared into surrendering. But actually, if you want your commander back, drop whatever you're holding.", the girl ordered, grinning as she watched her uncle appear with the second commander in his grip.

"Both of you, surrender!"
"Drop what you're holding!"
"Drop it, bastards!"
At once, the two let go, falling into a similar kneeling position on the ground.
The guards dashed towards them.
With one backflip, the two landed back up, the two commanders back in a tight chokehold.
"Nice try bastards.", the girl chuckled, the commander gasping in her grip.
"Listen. All of you will drop your weapons and leave the buildings, your hands raised. If you don't, these two die.", she blankly informed, smirking.

"No we won't!"
"We don't give into criminals!"
"Fuck off! Surrender!"

"I won't repeat myself again. Either you surrender, or these two die. Your choice, but you'll get arrested either way. It's just the mild way out.", the girl repeated.
The guards froze, glaring at each other.
Luca smirked. "5...4...3...2..1...0", he counted, seeing several follow the threat.
Nonetheless, he stabbed his victim.
"Surrender or they really die. We're killing on permission here.", the girl coldly explained.
The rest of the crew did what they asked, terrified.
Giulia laughed.

"Now for you criminals are under arrest. On behalf of Calcia.", she grinned, handcuffing the guy.
"Perfect Timing.", Luca echoed, his niece nodding in response.
Both guys were secured in handcuffs and brought out.

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