Chapter Twenty-Seven| Brothers Bennet

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As they left the cave sometime in the midst of the next day, they could hear demonic sounds everywhere.
Nichole lowered her head and growled.
"You demons should be in hell! I fucking made you!", she hissed.
Chris led her to a deeper part of the city, the strident voice piping up once or twice, becoming more and more confident.
"Nice try. Shouldn't have betrayed me.", they growled.
"Fools.", they commented.

"Wait, I recognize this voice.", Chris quietly commented.
"Me too, can't pin point where from. Although I kept seeing little bits of light hair, but that doesn't have to be anything.", Nichole added, slightly red she only brought this up now.
Chris glanced at her, locking eyes.
"I don't think much of the population in warmer continents has lighter hair.", he simply defined, dragging Nichole to help fight the demons.

Some extra armed ones with sharp teeth were in the works of eating people, when Nichole's flaming arrows hit them.
"I'm not letting you kill people!", she hissed, unbeknownst to herself changing into her Hell-armor.
The demons turned to attack her, giving Chris time to slice arms off from behind.

"You're not killing when I'm around.", the rough snide voice commanded.
Nichole fired more and more arrows, noticing blonde hair again.
"Mistress, come to die..", a more-armed hissed, firing tentacles at the purple haired warrior.
She dodged, but cut the arm off, firing more arrows into the arm's sockets, eliminating one of too many demons.
Blonde hair  could be seen again, followed by an unpleasant shriek.

Some poison monsters joined, also firing at Nichole, whilst Chris brought the people to safety, eventually clearing out some multi-armed as well.
"Mistress, you came to die?", a monster hissed.
"You wish. You are on my meal today, it's time to die creatures of the dark.", she smirked, letting her blade sink into the monsters heart.
"Whyyy..", it yelped, as it succumbed to a puddle.
Chris sliced more multi-armed, firing some arrows to protect Nichole from the back.
"Careful! You may be the ma, but not the only one to  turn on their parent!", he grinned, Nichole laughing as she flicked him off.
"I got this!", she yelled, accompanying her gesture.
More demons were slain, but more came.
Blonde hair was visible through the crowd.

"Yeah no, I won't be your dinner. But I'll enjoy some poison blood later.", they taunted.
Another arrow from Chris blinded the monster the purple haired was fighting, making it simpler for her to send her skeletons to finish off.
She rose, black flames surrounding the creatures he sent out.
"Poison blood, you fools thought you could defeat me?", the voice echoed in a gravelly tone.
Nichole smirked, sending more heads of the dead to defeat the monsters for her, fully controlling them in the form of Puppeteer.
She didn't notice Chris moving from below her, but she just figured he went off to deal with monsters who were focusing on the kids.
"Eating children? What kinda behavior is that?", the voice and Nichole yelled, black fire reaching it before the skulls could.
"That's what you get.", the voice commented, blonde hair peaking through again.

Chris' POV
As soon as the monster Nichole was fighting was defeated, Chris went in the direction the voice came from.
He'd recognized it pretty fast, and knew where to walk.
Slightly speeding up, he soon saw a blonde haired man, using black fire to attack a demon trying to eat a child. He got closer, just moments before the other figure turned.
"Luca.", Chris smirked.
The younger brother rolled his eyes, also smirking, fending off an attack from the demon.
"Funny to find you here, thought I was all alone.", the blonde replied.
"About that...I don't wanna be here either believe me.", Chris grunted, sinking into the same dead tone as his brother.
Luca's black and Chris' blue flames eliminated two monsters in one, causing both to laugh.
"Cause of me?..", The blonde asked, smiling mischievously.
"Keep dreamin'. As if I cared that much about you.", Chris retorted. "Uh huh. Sure, brother.", Luca smirked, almost gagging as he avoided a tentacle.
"Why you here now?", the blonde asked, growing impatient. Instead of answering his brother, he cut of a monsters' arm and hit him with it, burning the item after.
"The fuck?!" , the blonde echoed.
Chris shrugged, smirking. His tone momentarily became much deeper and gravelly, as did Luca's.
"Seems these demons aren't following their master?", Chris questioned.
Luca shrugged, helping out his partner with more flames.
"She heard you by the way. She's just too...simple to associate.", Chris laughed.
Luca's eyes slimmed, he lowered his tone.
"Careful. She's my partner alright?"
Chris laughed, hitting his brother once more, who rolled his eyes.
Hearing Nikki scream, both cut to what actually meant to say.
"Guess we gotta fight together."
"I guess. Trust me, these fools should pay for betraying their father."
"Unlike you hm?"
"Exactly. Poor father!", Luca laughed, a more rough tone shining through.
Guards of the place showed up, surrounding the fighting Bennet brothers as more demons attacked.

"Christoper and-"- Luca interrupted with laughter.
"We're busy here. Can't you see we're tryna safe your asses here? We could also let you die. If I command them too, I'm sure they'll follow.", Luca grinned.
"As if! Christopher and Luca Bennet, you're under arrest!", the guard repeated. The brothers glanced at each other, smirking.
"As he said, my brother controls these demons. If you don't wanna die, back off now!", Chris growled, allowing frustration to overtake his body.
A yelp from Nichole later, Luca also assumed his Shadow Form.
"You shouldn't mess with me more. Hurt Nikki once more and you're dead!", the blonde threatened, black flames fuming his body.
"Yeah? You'll go back to jail anyways!", the man growled, firing another shot.
"Criminals belong in jail!", he yelled, accompanying his action, then following it up with one word. "Death."

Nichole screamed in pain, making Luca even more furious. His eyes changed color to dark black, flames completely surrounded the brothers.
"I fucking warned you. Prepare to die losers. Prepare to fucking die!", he hissed, sending flames off.
Chris copied his brother, both eliminating the shooters.
The siblings stood surrounded, the blonde's eyes black as the nights, Chris' red.
Both held one fist clenched, in which they held a weapon.
Chris glanced at his brother, they had the same idea.
Although everyone yelled at them to surrender, they had some time to cool down, turning back yo their normal selves. At least for a while.

"Drop your weapons now! All of them!", a man ordered. "No fast movement!", another.
Grinning, the two brothers followed the many orders, until they also stood bare feet, not one meter apart.
"Drop down! To your knees! Both of you!", the troops ordered.
Luca grinned, following first in crouching, his hands above, Chris  a second later.
After receiving the usual order to quit moving, the brothers grinned.
"Too easy.", someone muttered as he raced towards them.
All the surrounding people raced to them at once, allowing the brothers to kick them in the guts and grab their bows with their feet to aim.
Back on their feet, the brothers mentally created a barrier for the guards, having them at arrow point.
"What are you doing?! We outnumbered you!", a guard shouted, following up with orders to the brothers.
A grinning Luca spoke up, a mischievous grin spreading from his to Chris' face.
"You know..I thought people learn. Foolish me. Pathetic mortals never change...even if they've betrayed us before."
Chris laughed, erupting flames from his body as well.
"How was I waiting for that word.", he taunted his brother, his voice leaking of sarcasm. Luca growled, a laughing Chris continued.
"It's stupid of you folks. You've worked for our parents before, you dare betray us like that? And more than that, not expect an action? I mean this stupidity I could've expected from Blondie here, but apparently he's smart.", the big brother finished.
Luca looked up, smirking as he noticed Puppeteer in  the sky. "Well hey there my love. Let's fight these demons and leave this pathetic idiots to Chris, shall we?", he echoed.
"Gladly Blondie.", Nichole replied.
The blonde grew wings and joined his partner in fighting demons, where she asked one question only.

"Are you allowed out, and if for how long?"
"Pretty much forever. Guards watch me a while, just shouldn't be in Calcia somewhere, at least for a couple months.", he shrugged. Nichole grinned and she grabbed her lovers hand, both erupting flames from it.
"Got a secret for you later my love.", she whispered, the blonde rising his brow.
"Pathetic monster.", he later commented, dodging an attack flawlessly.
After most of the attackers were cleared out, the couple sat together, Nichole whispering as she shared the secret.
Luca gasped, his eyes now wide.
"Additionally, the people of the kingdom now just don't care about the past as much.", the warrior added.
"Uh huh..and Sheila?", the blonde asked.
"Moved out of this kingdom.", Nichole retorted, pulling her partner in a deep kiss.
"C'mere my love. It seems a doll can always reach its master. Even if it's former.", the blonde grinned, brushing purple hair out of his, before they curled up in a kissing ball.

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