Chapter Thirty-Seven| Why keep me away?

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Her two daughters in her arms, Nichole laid on a couch in their small cottage, smiling as she brushed through their hair.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Hello? Let me in, it's urgent Nikki.", Leo echoed.
"Hi Leo! Cormore!" Nichole replied, the door quietly swinging open.
Baby Lucille was awake, quietly moving next to her sister, showing gorgeous, hazel eyes.
Leo walked up, almost tripping over the coat-hanger, attempting not to be so loud.
"Sorry.", he breathily apologized, panting as he moved before Nichole, Lucille tilting her head for her uncle, Nichola peacefully asleep.

"What's up Leo?", Nichole asked.
"It's bad. Thanks for letting me in, buut we have an issue at hand. I found out information you might need, and it doesn't look good.", Leo rambled.
Nichole was now worried.
"Where's Luca?", Leo asked.
"As far as I know, he's down in hell dealing with Keske.", she answered.
Leo sighed. "Okay...Keske's not in jail anymore, and your Blondie...we're not completely sure of what, but he might've made worse enemies recently."
Nichole paused. "What do you mean?", she asked.
Leo yawned. "It's just...there's a part of him he might've never told you about."
Nichole scoffed. "What do you mean?"
Leo rolled his eyes, allowing Lucy to enter behind him.
"We need to check out something, now.", he hissed.
"I'm not leaving the girls.", Nichole muttered.
"They'll be with Lucy. We've received documents of some...things and you'll need to see them.", her brother hissed, grabbing her wrist.
"Okay...okay. Relax, I'm coming. Mommy'll be right back.", she whispered, handing over her babies.
The siblings left, Leo leading the way to the borders, then the library.
What she could see in there would come as a shock.

A young, blonde boy stood in the shadows, hiding.
A tall woman made her way towards him, a soft smile on her face. The boy must've been around ten years old at the time.
"Hey, what are you doing there my boy?", she quietly asked.
"Hiding, mom.", the boy replied, even quieter.
The woman smiled. "Good boy. I'm sure your brother will be back from school soon."
The boy nodded, cautiously watching kids move closer around the castle, playing.
A few of them moved closer, but were careful to avoid him, whispering to each other.
The boy heard every word however.
"That's the scary boy...he's always in the shadows."
"He's so scary...I wouldn't be him in a heartbeat."
The boy sighed, his mother pulling his face towards her.
"My boy...your brother is home. I'm sure he's got a lot to tell you.", she smiled.
"I want to go to school too...", the boy whined.
"Baby, we can't let that happen.", his mother smiled, before a man called out to her.
"M'lady! M'lady! We need you over here!"
"Coming, Lance! You stay right here, alright? Just don't leave your spot.", his mother commanded, leaving.
Now all alone, the boy took off his shoes and jumped in the air, a grey eagle flying into the distance.
The eagle spotted a brown haired figure jogging towards it, so it flew away, landing.
The bird disappeared, and the small blonde re-appeared, visibly uncomfortable.
"Hey Blondie! You waited for me, brother?", the other boy greeted. "Yup.", the other smiled, cautiously letting his eyes wander around, hoping not to see another person.
"Thanks! Actually, I wanna show you something, please come!", his brother pleaded, the other hesitant.
"I don't know...I probably shouldn't..", he mumbled.
"Please...", his brother added, getting him to agree nonetheless.

"I really shouldn't hates if I get into contact with people.", the blonde whispered to himself, seeing his brothers ice blue eyes look back at him, a raised brow showing he heard him.
"Nothing...", the blonde added hastily, attempting to catch up with his brothers speed.
Eventually, the brothers reached a field in the middle of the woods, a field full of toys and a river.
Kids were playing around in it, laughing.
Noticing this, the little boy perked up, gasping excitedly.
"I knew you'd like it. I found it with my school.", his older brother mumbled, his arm around the younger.
"It's awesome!", he smiled, fault tripping off of his chests like rocks, freeing him.
A laughter escaped him as he ran towards the toys, letting the water clean his feet.
A few kids backed up at first, then a silver haired boy, with also blue eyes caught up to the brothers, smirking.
"Hi there! You finally made it!", he grinned.
The little boy smiled as he greeted the older, then his smile widened as a purple haired caught up to them.
"Nikki!", he yelped, running the last bit of the way towards her.
Chris laughed, running after his younger brother Luca, Leo following behind.
"What are you doing here?", Luca asked.
"We got here from school. It's amazing here, isn't it?", she smiled back, splashing the blonde with water, giggling as a bigger wave came back to her.
"Gotcha!", Luca grinned, wrestling the young, laughing girl into the water, only her back getting wet as she giggled trying to turn the hold around.
Eventually, Luca was on the bottom, and a mischievous Nichole pinned  him down.
"You really thought it'd be this easy. Try again!", the girl encouraged.
Following the girls advice, the blonde copied her move, actually holding her down until she rumbled free.

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