Chapter Fifty-Eight| Events unplanned

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Kian and Giulia raced up the mountain, leading to the waterfall.
Even with the new prisoners finally locked away, Kujò's attacks hadn't stopped.
As they heard the water break at the rocks below, the couple took a minute to catch their breaths.

"This is getting out of hand!", Giulia exclaimed aggressively.
Kian held her hand, his eyes only on her face, which was now covered in scars.

"I know you're here. I'll be here in  a second.", a soft voice echoed. A bush of short beige hair with curls at the end flew in the wind, the persons body, ears and tail hidden by vines.
Footsteps reached the couple, Dana's face appearing, a soft smile on her face.
"Hey guys. Can I help?", Dana whispered.
Kian glanced over to Giulia, before hesitantly nodding.
"We need help, yeah.", Giulia also added.
Dana smiled brightly, and led the couple through to the tip of the waterfall.
On the way to a flock of wood, Giulia collapsed in Kian's arms, her legs not able to hold her anymore.

"Oh no! Careful!", Dana gasped quietly. Carefully, she helped Kian sit Giulia down, who sighed of exhaustion.
"What happened?", the werewolf asked.
Kian sighed. "It' many white dresses warriors have attacked. She's been handling it on her own. I don't know why, but she seems...different.", Kian whispered, blushing a bright red.
Dana nodded, and smiled before crouching in front of Giulia.
"Please can I see your arms?",she asked, gently taking the guards hand.
Giulia was hesitant, but she nodded.
Screams echoed through the forest, louder then a demon cry.
Dana flinched, but continued pulling up Giulia's sleeve.

Deep cuts had created scars all on her arms, and as she looked in Giulia's red face, Dana sighed.
Quietly, she covered the arm again, and pulled Kian to sit next to the two of them.
"How can I help you?", she asked, cheerfully.
Kian smiled, and hesitantly shrugged.
"We need...advise. As my best friend..", Kian whispered.
Dana smiled, and tilted her head without saying anything.
"Well, it's's's about..", Kian stuttered. A laughing Giulia moved her hand to shut his jaw, then followed his jawline.
"It''s about...a family thing. We've noticed our parents act off ever since the attack with the two new prisoners...and think something might be different.", Giulia finished.
Dana smiled. "They're Nichole's parents. You know that, right?"
Giulia nodded, Kian leaning his head on his girlfriends shoulder.

"It's not's..I don't know. I think it has something to do with the recent attacks.", Giulia continued, sighing.
Dana nodded, and continued listening.
Screams grew louder in the forest, scaring Dana.
The young werewolf girl picked up the scent, then paled.
"Maylands...oh no.", she mumbled.
"Why would they attack?", Kian asked.
"I don't know much. Just too many Sullivans are in here right now.", Dana replied, rushing off.

The young werewolf girl raced through the woods, mumbling to herself.
"C'mon..tell everyone...before it's too late. She's away Dana. Calm yourself, she's gone. She's gone...she's-woah!", she yelped, dodging a final branch before she reached the field."-gone."

Her nose picked up Sheila's and her dad's scent, so she glanced around.
Around three hundred Maylands had entered the borders, followed by ErCo occupants, ended by the hazel eyed man, a Paul LeCant.
"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no.. I have to help!", Dana whispered, paling further.
Worst part; she was too late to warn everyone.
Dana raced against time as she reached her friends, panting in fear.

"Guys! Guys! We get away! Get to safety!", Dana whispered loudly.
"I'm seeing the attackers. There's no way I'll leave Mahy!", Liam protested, his eyes widening as he rushed to Dana. Just in time he grabbed her shoulders to hold her up.
"We won't leave either!", the others protested.
Aria, Azael, Cari, Rhys and Acacia as well as Lai (nickname) were around as well, watching Dana carefully.
"Get away! Please!", Dana begged.
"I think we shouldn't.", Azael commented.
The girls stayed quiet, and Rhys cleared his throat.
"Mom's in danger. Somehow Finn can't fight alongside her.", he mumbled, emerald eyes staring into hers.
In a panic, Dana rushed off, quickly waving for her friends to go into hiding.
As she ran, Rhys and Azael caught up to her.

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