Five| The Ball

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A few days after the rescue

The day the great celebration ball would take place, the royal sisters were up in Dehja's bedroom, trying to get ready last minute.

"Give it a spin, Mahy!", Aria requested, spinning in her cutesy flower dress, Acacia, Lajila and Cato followed suit in their dresses.
"Spin! Spin!", the chanted, their shoulder long hair hopping with them, their tails swinging excitedly.
Mahina nodded, slightly blushing.
She spun around in the dark green dress, a two parter, that perfectly complemented her amazing figure.
Her hair flew in her face, causing her to pull it behind her ears again, since she had short, awesome hair.
"Whoaaa!", the other sisters yelled, and Kian came to watch what that yelling was all about.
As soon as he saw his sister, his jaw dropped.
"Okay Mahy, it's too bad you don't have a date, but none of  the guys will be able to keep themselves off of you.", he smirked.
"Kian! Come here, you!!", Mahina protested, only now noticing Giulia who was rushing behind Kian in a gorgeous, black dress.
Laughing, the siblings chased each other into the ball room.

Liam had decided on a dark red suit, fitted with black shoes. Elias wore the outfit in reverse colors, whilst Dawn and Audrey wore golden/ rose dresses.
Upon Mahina entering, Dawn nudged him.
"To your left, Juliette is here, looking gorgeouss!", she whispered, turning his head towards the door.
Like Kian before, Liam's jaw dropped. Although dozens of beautiful women danced for his attention, he could only focus on the most beautiful in his eyes.
He saw a jealous girl dance towards the queen, and heard precisely what she was whispering. Kian seemed to be looking for something, or someone meanwhile.

"Liam's mine! Don't you dare come close to him!", she half-shouted, and hearing this threat, Liam began to get nervous.
"Or what?", Mahina challenges, raising her brow, her hair decorated with a flower band.
"I'll hurt you!", the woman screamed, pulling a dagger. Quicker than even he could comprehend, he reached the woman, and shoved her off of Mahina, his Mahina.
"Why are you protecting her?!", she screeched.
"No reason your  stupid brain could comprehend.", the 'friends' shot back in unison.
The woman stomped off, leaving a blushing friend duo to themselves.

"Guess you earned a second title Romeo.", Mahina chuckled, trying to hide her blush.
"Really? What title gorgeous? ", Liam asked, taking a good look.
"Knight in armour. You keep saving me, although you didn't evrn learn to fight. Guess you could teach our weak warriors. What do I owe by the way, Romeo?", Mahina laughed, jokingly slapping her friend. "A dance, just one. All I ask is a dance with the most gorgeous woman at the party.", Liamresponded, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.
"You deserve it, but I'll never be your Juliette.", Mahina agreed, smirking.
"But I'll always be your Romeo, no matter what gorgeous.", Liam replied, as he lead Mahina to the dance floor.

The heat between them intensified, as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
Their heartbeats rose together, as they sped up the pace. " You're enjoying this, aren't you, Mahina?", Liam asked. "Mhm, maybe..if you just let me enjoy the music instead of your voice.", Mahina replied, before slowing down along with the beat.
Not far away from them, Dehja and Dana were chatting, enjoying the music holding hands.

Both girls hearts were beating fast, they felt each other heating up like crazy.
"I wanna ask you something Dehja...", Dana muttered, brushing back her hair.
"Spit it out, wanted to ask something as well...", Dehja blushed.
"Wanna dance with me?", they both blurted out, and they were inseparable after that.
Kian had meanwhile found who he was looking for, and went over to his friend.
"Giulia, you look absolutely awesome, can I speak to you though?", Kian cautiously asked.
Giulia nodded, and let her get dragged away, more into a private location.
"Kian, would you go on a date with me..?", Giulia burst out, immediately blushing afterwards.
"I was gonna ask you the same, and my answer is yes.", Kian smiled, feeling the red rise across his cheeks.
He brushed back Giulia's hair, having the sudden will to kiss her. As if she'd known what he felt, she grabbed his face and kissed him. He smiled as he engaged with it, feeling the romantic tension rise.

Dehja and Dana had an absolute blast on the dance floor, as did Liam and Mahina, although Liam was left for the bathroom for a few minutes.
"Be right back Romeo! This dance is also my make up session for the lady insanity going on!", Mahina laughed, pushing back an attempt of a kiss.
"Aw, found someone different?",  Liam pouted.
"His name's bathroom. Be right back!", Mahina laughed, before running off.
The woman in the purple dress took this as an opportunity.

"Seems your finally mine after you finished with that bitch Casanova.", she winked, before she forced him in a kiss. He pushed her off.
"Leave me alone! Your forcing yourself on me!", Liam shouted, before the lady had him against a wall, making it look like enjoyment of the kiss from both sides. "Let go!", Liam protested.
The woman kept persistent, forcing him to engage in the kiss.
"Liam!!! You asshole, how dare you!!", a familiar voice screamed. Mahina stood at the entrance as wild as a fury.
"Payback Time, bitch! He chose me over you, ain't that right?!", the lady questioned, forcing Liam to nod. Now the queen was crying.
"You idiot! I believed I actually had something, but you ruined it!", Mahina cry-shouted before running off.
Kian walked up, pushing the woman in the dress from Liam, before pulling the latter aside softly.

"Liam, there's a few things you should know...", Kian explained, hugging his friend.
"Just Listen.", Kian asked, focusing on the frying sounds. "I made her cry.", Liam mumbled, blushing.
"Liam, I don't know how neither of you knew, but Mahy, she gets spiteful easily. What I mean is..this kiss, although it was forced, broke her heart. She meant what she said.", Kian concluded, leaving his friend to do the right thing.
Liam sighed, making his way upstairs.

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