Chapter Twenty-Six| Eric Donovan

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The prisoner put on a cocky smile, and pulled a blade.
"Look who we have here, seems as if a certain idiot got loose.", Chris smirked, his tone gruff and deep.
The guard followed suit, dragging his dark blade out of its hanger, slight flames tingling on his hands as he did so.
"It's not like you can find anything on me bastards. My sheet is clean.", Eric grinned.
Chris scoffed, his hair falling in his face. He quickly glanced at Nichole, seeing her having copied his position, then dodged a hit.
"It seems you think we're dumb? Well no. We know very clearly about any experiment that you did...prisoner.", Nichole taunted, throwing and juggling with her blade.
More attacks of the werewolf and his troops followed, yells erupted.
"Sir! They're attacking the supporters!", a woman yelled.
"Get 'em! We'll get revenge for what happened to me!", Eric commanded.
Ten people charged at the guards, which they dodged every hit if but one each.

Nichole noticed a cut on her shoulder, which was bleeding furiously.
She tried to cover it, then cursed.
"Fuck it. Medicino.", she whispered, the magic closing the wound.
The purplenette smiled cockily, her tone turning gravelly.
"Nice try. Elimino!", she shouted.
Dark blasts took out half of the werewolf supporters.
"One spell? Respect Hilgers.", Chris commented in a tremendous tone. He chuckled, his tone changing from tremendous to gravelly, and controlled.
"You aren't gettin' away from ME Donovan. It's time I show you how to be content.", Chris grinned.
His blade engulfed with flames, a slay eliminating the 'victim' of Chris' swing falling to ashes as his eyes glowed.
A sole swing fired not only at the victim, but promoted Nikki's skeletons and pushed them into the enemy, although they cloned themselves.
Eric growled, swinging himself up a tree with his tail, ears twitched nervously.
"Attack!", the redhead ordered.
People rushed towards him, aiding their leader up.

Chris scoffed, taking a step to the side to let through Nichole's skeletons and heads.
"Go Little minions. It's time to defend what's right.", she chuckled.
Chris moved like lightning, copying his former partners movements, who also sped up.
The duo slashed the regenerating enemies with their swords, the blue eyed man now getting bored.
"Just give up. You can't EVER defeat us..", he growled.
Eric scoffed, using his sonic speed to attack, barely out speeding the guards, getting ahead.
In a dead tone, Chris groaned "Give up. I'll fucking kill if you don't leave now."
Nichole flinched, knowing this tone all to well herself.
More men came, surrounding the dark haired man.
"Surrender idiot!", a man ordered, but Chris merely grinned.
He shadow teleported to the outside of the group, slashing eight of the undead from behind.
"Too easy.", he grunted.
The other followers fled from fear, so it was only Eric and a woman with white hair, standing back to back.

With a raised brow, Nichole moved closer to the apparent couple, holding her blade to their throats.
"What are YOU doing out of jail??", Eric yelled.
"I have something called morals moron.", the guard replied, grinning.
"Whatever.", Eric commented, his partner motioning him to be quiet.
"Shut up! We're caught, alright?! You don't realize how freaking strong she is!", the white haired hissed, instinctively lifting her hands up.
Nichole smirked, letting the blade sink from the woman, letting it slide along her thigh, smiling as she suppressed a scream.

The guard grabbed her, still holding the blade onto Eric, and flipped the woman on the ground, holding her there until she managed to handcuff the female.
Chris took Eric from behind, forcing him on the ground, and immobilizing him as he was handcuffed.
Nichole dragged up the woman to her feet, Chris pulled up Eric, not letting his grip slide one bit.
"Well, it seems we won eh Donovans?", Chris smirked. His tone was again gruff, and now deeper and more threatening than before.
Nichole's voice rose mockingly  as she taunted the recaptured prisoners.
"It seems someone didn't think this through, eh? Well, should've spent more money on thoughts instead of women redhead."
"Eric!!", his wife hissed.
"Ooh, bet she didn't know how you cheated hm? Too bad, prisoners can't keep secrets, you know the rules.", Chris added, laughing.
"Shut up!", Eric yelled, attempting to resist Chris' hold.
"Oh should we tell your wife how many women you impregnated? Or wait...they all terminated, too bad.", Nichole taunted, fake frowning.
"Or on how you can't keep your shit together when you're arrested?", Chris grinned, still gruff toned.
A silvery tone now let Nichole's voice stand out, as she pitched it up even higher.
"Ooh..wifey is mad redhead! Should've thought sooner about this, you should know how much of a gossip I am..."
The purple haired tightened her grip on the female, letting minor flames inflict pain in the woman.
Nichole chuckled, Chris joining. They were enjoying this game.
"Time to bring ya off.", the guard smirked, shadow porting the couple to cells.

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