Nine| Shivers, Knight in shining armor part two

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All she wanted to do was see Liam, no matter how much she hated his stupid smirk, no matter how much of a Romeo he was. She felt safe around him, she couldn't deny.

"I want her dead! That's what she gets!", the demon shouted, slapping her.
Guards immediately followed his orders, and forced her outside. She knew by now where the death chambers were and she started sobbing. She never cried before, but being so close to death she started sobbing prayers. Hoping she could see the world again, somehow.
Then, she picked up on a scent, which was followed by a voice. An angry voice, which she'd hoped to hear again so bad.

"Leave her the fuck alone! You're not leaving with her!", the voice shouted, causing the escort to turn around.
"Stranger, leave this building right now or we'll kill you! We're obeying Lord Kerke's orders, move away!", the male shouted, growling.
Liam straightened up, smirking until he saw Mahina sobbing.
"I won't do shit. Let her go! I actually brought someone, a person you'd fear.", the redhead responded angrily, stepping aside to reveal a very angry Sheila and Kian, followed by guards.

Sheila angrily smirked, her eyes showed how furious the former queen truly was.
"If you don't let my daughter go right now, I'll kill you.", she threatened.
Mahina sobbed even more, both of fear and happiness. She was a mess of emotions.

"Who are you to talk to us like that?! We will fulfill the orders and kill her.", the guard short back, dragging Mahina across the hallway.
"Liam!", she shouted under tears.
Within seconds, the werewolf was by her side.
"No one touch her I said.", he growled, his pupils changed color from the anger.
Since the guards wouldn't budge, he shoved them away, pulling Mahina towards him, who was still sobbing.
"It's okay. We're here.", he mumbled, building up a protective shield for both of them, trying to look at her wounds. Seeing the queen flinch, he growled angrily.
Meanwhile, the guards had caught up to them.

"Touch our queen again, and you'll suffer! Leave before we make you!", they called, along with other threats. Mahina was a crying mess, all she said was mumble Liam over and over.
Sheila ran over, trying to hug her daughter, but she flinched, clinging herself onto Liam.

"Whatever this idiot did to you, I will have him burn in hell!", Sheila growled, following some of the guards outside.
Without thinking twice, Liam picked Mahina up and carried her outside.
"I will get you safe. No matter what, gorgeous.", Liam whispered, looking at the queen in his arms.
"I-they forced me to g-give birth. T-This creep. H-he has the babies...", Mahina cried, clenching her knees, still half naked.
She shivered, and Liam one-armly grabbed his coat he brought, and helped her put it on.
"It's okay love. We'll make sure to have you be safe, as well as the little ones when we can find them. We'll help you.", Sheila replied, worriedly scanning her daughter.
"Let's get away from here gorgeous. It's time you get away from here.", Liam whispered, love in his eyes.
"Only this Romeo gets to call me gorgeous. Although I will never be your Juliette.", Mahina half-cried, inevitably a smile came on her face.
"But I'll always be your Romeo.", Liam replied, slightly blushing.
"You guys are really cute but could we PLEASE get her away from's been many months.", Kian playfully whined, already sitting on his house Midnight.
Liam nodded, and sat Mahina on the back of his horse, swinging his arms around her as a result.
Her face looked like a complete mess, and she was still shivering like crazy.
"Let's go, freaking finally.", Liam whined, only receiving a grin as a result.
They arrived back at the castle, and a healer took care of Mahina.
The wild mess was finally over.

Some days later, the still frightened queen was met with Liam, who led her out of the hospital area.
Several girls came by, and shouted various things.

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