Chapter Twenty Nine| Demonic surprise

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Chris grabbed his brothers wrist and dragged him a few meters away, a stern look on his face.
"The fuck are you doing?", the blonde cursed.
"Listen. We have someone these people need. You thinking what I'm thinking?", Chris mumbled.
Luca grinned, the smile quickly turning maniacal.
"I think I might."He laughed.
"Do what your best at brother.", Chris smirked, letting the grip go.
Luca summoned shadows around him, disappearing.
The dust settles in the chambers, as the blonde re-appeared.
"Oh where are you mister..", the strident voice echoed tauntingly.

Luca walked along the cells, seeing several of them empty. Abruptly, ice blue eyes locked with red.
"Gotcha.", Bennet whispered inaudible.
Now visible, he marched towards the cell, his head held up, a devious smirk on his face. The opposing man paled.
"Look who we have seems you made more than one enemy, eh Rumano?", he mocked.
"...", the man stayed silent, but was shaking in fear. Not one movement escaped the ice blue eyes.
"Nothing to say? Not surprising...not that a traitor should talk much anyways..",the blonde scoffed.
The man perked up, now anger in his face as he grabbed the bars.
"That coming from a killer traitor!"
Luca raised his brow, he seemed amused rather than annoyed.
"Oh? Seems you there speak to me? Brave, I must say that. But lemme ask you got family right?", Luca asked mockingly.
"...", the man took a minute to respond. "Y-yes."
The blonde man scoffed, a smirk widening to a devious grin on his face, making the scars seem like a grimace.
He walked closer, watched the man straighten up.
"I remember you got a daughter?", the next question followed.
"Y-yes." Rumano replied.
Luca scoffed, now threateningly close to the bars, causing the prisoner to back up.
"You see, if you plan on being able to walk your daughter on the aisle, you listen to what I say.", the blonde stated, only mildly raising his voice.
"What if not?", the man bravely asked.
"You die.", the blonde smirked.
The man backed off.
Luca glanced to the door, noticing some keys not far away. He grabbed and jingled with them, the smirk only widening further.
The man, now against the wall,  feared for his life.
As Luca came in, he walked directly up to the prisoner, so the eye contact was enforced.
The blonde grabbed the man's face, thereby immobilizing him from moving completely.
"I won't repeat myself. You do what we say and you live. Don't, and you're dead.", Luca stated calmly, seeing fear in the man's eyes, only making him stronger.
"I will.", the man finally responded.
Luca grinned. He was successful again, still too easy.

"Good choice. You see, demons are attacking Calcia right now, and you're our leverage. You'll beg and shout, and attack.", Luca stated, seeing the fear worsen in the man's eyes.
"B-betray my boss?", he asked, just barely still standing up.
"Not like you haven't made the most powerful man your enemy before. You better do that, or..y'know, Nichole.", he simply laughed.
The man froze, eventually giving in.
"I'll do it. Just let me turn back to my daughter.", he requested.
"We'll see.", the blonde replied.
From apparently nowhere, the blonde pulled a small dagger, grabbing the man's wrist and pushing him ahead, the tip of the weapon against his rip cage. With a swift movement, the cell door opened.
"Move.", the blonde calmly ordered, the threat in his tone was apparent even without having to raise it.
The man shivered, but obeyed. Too big was his fear of the scarred man.
Coldly, but still calm Luca ordered the man outside, where Chris was heard yelling.

"We got someone you might need. If you shoo off now, we won't have to kill!", the controlled tone echoed.
Luca silently laughed.
"Oh no we will! You have a 'queen' that belongs to me. Mahina is my mate, and only mine!", Keske screamed, shooting arrows.
Luca and Rumano arrived outside, the blonde annoyed and disgusted.
"Fuck off!", he yelled.
"Why?! Imma get what's mine!", the demon king yelled back, proceeding to attempt to attack the mentioned queen, but Giulia jumped in between, shouting spells.
"Last warning bastard. You have no idea who's in front of you. Fuck off and your precious officer here-"-the dagger was pressed against Rumano's throat-"-will get to live. As will you. You wouldn't wanna orphan children, would you?", Luca grunted.
Keske laughed maniacal, attacking Mahina again and again, Liam and Giulia defending her as she panicked.

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