Eighteen| Switching realms

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Dehja was confused. Where was she?! Why did she look like that goddess-like being she was regularly?
"Let's begin, my dear.", Fauna smiled.
Dehja nodded, short hair strands falling in her face.

"Centuries ago, in the lands of the world reigned Fauna. Not in this body, but different incarnations. She brought light and helped those she could. For long, she wasn't rivaled. Nature would grow under her command, the Shadow Borns listening to her. Somehow, the connection to the incarnations and Shadow Borns was broken, Fauna's powers reduced to a sliver of what they were. She would have to rebuild her connection to her ancestors and Faunas before her. The last that managed to brought peace again, but ended up sacrificing her powers in the process. She fell, for a while at least. At this point, a new goddess stepped up. Flowing brown hair, werewolf ears twitching of power.
Aelia Amalia took Fauna's place, the only goddess among her siblings. Thus she wasn't the only immortal, but her siblings and friends, later named holy warriors, standing up to fight the Evil arising, the Shadow Born's souls under their control.
Only when Fauna regained, Aelia and her siblings gave up their bodies to avoid massive conflict, so Fauna could fully rise.
Only upon reconnection it was that Fauna could finally bent the Shadow Borns under her rule, finally Aelia and her holy warriors were reborn, their names describing parts of nature. Only the reborn goddess, her holy warrior and friends are to stop the evil arising.", the man finished, seeing Dehja tear up.

Dehja soundlessly sobbed, and noticed Fauna crouch down next to her.
"Hey, it's okay. But to finish off, Aelia, her holy warriors and I didn't get along at first, we were rivals. But it turned out good in the end regardless.", Fauna smiled, wiping Dehja's tears.
"If you want to fully control your powers, you will need to travel to where you came from, Aelia originated from. Star Hollow. You will have the power to reconnect with her original spirit.", Fauna smiled, pulling Dehja in a hug.
The queen felt the warm embrace of the goddess, the comforting sent she knew from her mother, and relaxed.

"Am I...Aelia?", she finally asked in a hushed tone.
"Precisely. My lady.", the man agreed, his hair lighting up.
"Fauna...what do you mean...by powers? What can Aelia do?", Dehja shyly asked, brushing back hair behind her ears.
The goddess smiled, telepathically ordering her to visit Star Hollow with her siblings, before leaving to explain everything to them, and some of her friends.
The man stood before her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Who am I?"-he asked, putting something around her neck-"Your most loyal follower, more precisely Aelia's servant. Learn your powers and you shall find me.", he mumbled, hinting a smile. Then, the realm started to dissolve.

Dehja, Mahina and Kian found themselves on a lighting, Dehja sprouting wings and her siblings eyes' glowing.
"Y-you guys talked to her too?", Mahina asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Mhm. Aelia huh?", Kian replied.
"Yea, seemingly. It turns out we need to head for...-what was it?-", Dehja added, trying to remember the Hollow's name.
"Star Hollow. Apparently the rest of us are holy warriors then?", Kian blurted out.
"Yeah, let's find out more, should we?", Mahina suggested.
"On it. There are some books in the library. Be right back!", Kian replied, lifting himself up to run towards the library.
"Bookworm.", his sisters chuckled.

~~Kian, 3rd Person~~
The bookworm of the triplets had made his way towards the library, stumbling into the livrarian and Giulia on the way.
"My king, how can I help?", the old lady asked, smiling.
"We need info on Star Hallow& Lady Aelia.", Kian answered.
"Isle 16, good luck!", the senior replied, waving as the king hushed off.
"Where...where-I swear I read about this before! Are you kidding me?- oh shelf 22 not 55 I read it wrong...oooh kay..", Kian grumbled, finding the correct shelf at last.

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