Ten| Demons and ship

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3rd Person

Another month passed, and Mahina was relaxing in the sunshine, in the branches off a tree. Which is when she watched a very disturbed Elias run around, followed by a crying Audrey and Dawn.
She glared at her friends going crazy in complete confusion, and couldn't help but wonder where the last one was.
Kian was higher up, letting his foot dangle off of the tree as he read.

"Bookworm.", she mumbled, smirking.
None of the Donovans had calmed down, and so Mahina tried talking to them from in the tree.
"Guys, what's going on?", she asked, letting herself hang from the branches, with one arm.
Audrey started sobbing louder, so Mahina jumped down.
Elias was still freaking out, so Mahina pulled the two girls aside, hugging them.
"W-we gotta-", Dawn sobbed, hiding her blue eyes in her arms.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?", Mahina asked, feeling her heart beat fast.
"W-we gotta....they're kicking us! We can't stay here!", Audrey cried, falling to her knees.
Mahina froze in confusion.
She witnessed an upset Dana run her way, which she also pulled towards her, almost falling over.
"Whoopsa!", she shouted, her tail catching her with vines.
Dana was now also sitting down, crying heavily.
Not only was the short haired queen confused, but overwhelmed.
"Kian! I kinda need help here!", she begged, but her brother focused on his book.
She groaned, holding all her sobbing friends tight.
"They're kicking us! We-we gotta leave!", Audrey sobbed, crying out loud.
Mahina, still wondering where Liam was, was also trying to understand what was happening here.
"Who's they? Are they kicking you out of Calcia?", she queen questioned softly.
The girls cried out, nodding their heads wildly.
"Okay...but who's they?", she asked again.
"Aetherial guards. Overall carers. The master guards. World's guards.", Elias gulped, running around hysterical.
Mahina needed help calming her friends down.
"Kian! I need you, close your book!", she shouted desperately, and finally her brother joined her.
He faced her, then stopped his sentence in confusion.

"It's bad. The aetherial guards are kicking them out of the kingdom, at least that's what I heard.", Mahina mumbled, trying to keep Dana from falling.
Kian's eyes widened as he paled.
Straight up, he pointed into the sky where at least two dozen men and women with golden armor and large wings flew towards them.
No one could tell where she came from, but Mahina noticed their other sister was also standing there by now.
The Aetherial guards landed, setting free a load of dust from the ground.
In their middle they carried the remaining Donovan in handcuffs, and what was more frustrating, blades to his throat.
Promptly, Mahina growled as her eyes turned dark purple.
Dehja, knowing what was happening without being told, had her eyes turn yellow in anger, Kian followed with red eyes.

"It seems we finally found the other sources of chaos. It's time to be locked away. You have to see you're way to dangerous to be kept in Calcia.", a female explained, trying to walk towards the others.
As she tried to come to Dana, Dehja started growling in fury.
With her powers, she created a field for her friends.
"We never mean harm!", Audrey cried, scanning Liam from afar.
"That's not for certain. We heard claims you've purposely hurt people in your path.", the female repeated, aiming her bow towards the group of friends, all still sobbing.
Dawn straightened up, now screaming at the Aetherial forces.
"Let my brother go! Let us go! We did nothing!", she shouted, Audrey repeating the same sentence over and over.
The forces had now surrounded the friends, the royals frozen.
Mahina shook off her fear and screamed.
"Leave them alone! They've never hurt anyone!", she yelled, as she used the shoulder off the woman standing in front of her to jump higher in the air.

"Majesties...it's for your good and only that.", a man responded, as he shot a silent spell to paralyze them.
They helplessly watched as their friends were handcuffed; immobilized, then carried away.
"Let us goo!", Audrey weakly shouted.
The triplets got angrier the further away their friends were taken, a woman flew back down to explain.
"We've rated the danger level of everyone on earth, theirs is the highest, by a mile. It's for your best we take them away.", she smiled, attempting to touch the royals.
They growled, the eyes of their second soul lighting up as they growled.
"They're our friends! They never hurt anyone!", Kian shouted.
"We can't account for their doings, or what they did. They'll stay captured in Aether captomule.
There they're secure. Have a good day.", she spoke, flying back in the air.
The siblings growled in frustration, but Mahina  was the worst. She essentially stood in flames, she was so angry.

The siblings started to glow, all feeling the anger inside them. They wanted to get their friends back, no they NEEDED them back.
"How dare they! We gotta do something!", the sisters growled, an angry Kian kept quiet.
"I have a feeling they have Finn, Ethan and Justin as well. I'll get mom.", he mumbled, using the shadows to teleport.
At their parents home, Kian bust straight in, hovering above the ground.
Chiara glared in shock at her son, but quickly tended to him.
"What's wrong?", she softly asked, glaring at her sons' wings.

"Aetherial guards, they took Donovan's and multiple Maylands. Security risk, Mahy's going crazy."  He growled, pulling his mom out of the door, unusually aggressive.
"Oh my...they have your friends?", their momma asked, barely keeping on her feet.
Kian growled in agreement.
"Then they have the dads too. Uh oh.", she mumbled, seeing her daughters freaking out, with beautiful blue wings.
"We gotta do something! They aren't dangerous!", Dehja shouted, her eyes glowing yellow.

"My babies! Please, try to-", her attempt at interrupting her daughter's rant was left unrecognized.
"We gotta get them back!", Mahina growled, as angry as ever.
If they hurt Liam, they were dead.

~~~Couple days later, in Aether jail~~~

The friends had been locked and chained up for multiple days now, having been told even letting them free of chains would eliminate the security.
Liam groaned. He was all alone in the cell, had no one to talk to.
He felt like he had to explode.
Guards came by his cell, opening the gate.
"Come with us. Our leader asked to talk.", they ordered, forcing him against the wall.
As they moved him, he noticed the others walk by, but his few was quickly blocked off.
"You'll be hearing what this guy has to say, no word from you. Having you out is a danger alone.", the man calmly explained, forcing him in a room.
The man was as pale as snow, had almost no hair and fiery red eyes.
Liam glared at the man, now recognizing him.
He focused his gaze on the man, growling.

"It's good you've been captured, Donovan. Are your friends aware of how you hurt Everglow? The former ruler was a tyrant, but you had no right to destroy everything.
Additionally, we've rated your danger level 139, the highest of anyone ever, in sync with your friends.
Care to tell me why you're so powerful? I'm afraid we'll have to lower that.", the man chuckled.
Liam growled, feeling Elias' presence to his left.
The man motioned for Liam to answer, but bad idea.
"You clearly have no clue what we can do, old man.", the redhead spat, promptly a guard kneeled him in the stomach.
"Show some respect. We could just end you, right here and now. We have the power to.", the guard hissed, Liam froze.
He knew the guard was right. They could end his life then and there, should he try anything.
"Still...we're more powerful.", he smirked, which ended up in him forcing to kneel.
"We'll take your power and let you live. Your power stays, you'll never see the day...again.", the guard threatened, his wings spread apart.
Liam growled, he knew no one could take his power.

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