Chapter Thirty-Two| Preggo Badass

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An interrogation  was necessary, and Luca volunteered. Mainly, because he had some bones left to pick with Rumano.
He entered the cell block, his eyes switching from left to right every step he took as he counted the amount of cells.
A few down, loud whining could he heard.
"Nooo...why take that book from me, it's the only thing I have!"
"You're being interrogated. No time for distractions.", a guard barked, leaving the blonde catching to their speed and revealing himself before stepping into sight.
"Not..not HIM, please!", Rumano begged, the guard scoffed.
Silent laughter followed the blonde as the prisoner laid eyes on him.
"I said before I wasn't done. Did you not listen? Oh, I forgot your deaf to orders dumbass.", he grunted.
The other guards left, leaving the two alone.
Rumano yelped seeing the blonde with the keys, a completely calm expression on his face.

"Back up.", he ordered.
Hastily, the man followed.
Luca let himself in, secretly enjoying the scared expression on the prisoners face.
"Well, it seems you still didn't learn huh? Let's say some maids of yours spat the truth...we know.", he smirked.
Behind him, footsteps echoed, which only scared the prisoner more.
"It's two against one Rumano.", Chris grinned, stepping inside behind his brother.
The blonde raised a brow, signaling 'Really?', Chris only rolling eyes in response.
This followed an apparently logical telepathic explanation, because no one questioned it after.

"Rumano, or should I say Erickson?", Chris asked, his tone lowered intimidatingly.
"W-what do you mean?", the prisoner stuttered.
Luca grunted, and Chris took a step closer, forcing the prisoner in a corner.
"Don't mess around. Tell us the truth, we wanna hear it all.", he ordered, in his calm and rough tone.
Rumano backed off. "What do you mean?", he asked again, trembling over his words.
Luca scoffed, exchanging looks with Chris who now sported an amused look in his eyes.
"Don't test me. We'll find out eitherway. You especially should ways.", the blonde interfered.
His tone was now slightly annoyed, which the prisoner didn't miss.
The brothers closed in on the man, he was now hysterical.
He could be seen panting and sweating under their gaze.
He kept avoiding eye contacted, but Luca eventually grabbed his face, enforcing the stare, a devious smirk on his face.
No further word was said, which made the prisoner more and more nervous. He tried moving, but the brothers stood to close, and he was forced to stare them in the eyes, only making his hysteria worse.
At last he cracked, not able to withstand the pressure any longer.

"Alright fine...I'll tell you everything.", Rumano yelped. No word from either brother, both still seemed to stare in his soul.
"I worked as a double agent, or rather triple. Which you're aware of, I-I worked for Westins and...the demon army, but supplied them with information from Calcia directly. In Westins, I was James Rumano, in the demon army Nicholas Dahu. Lastly in Calcia, Dangel Erickson. All of these weren't my real names, rather people...I eliminated. My real name I cannot say-"-the confession was cut off with a grip tightening on his throat, in which the prisoner collapsed in. "Alright..alright. My real name's Arthur...Kulò. And yes, I have a daughter but had to kill my first one and wife. For...the job.-"-the prisoner was cut off with being choked for a while, yelping, he managed to continue.
"The demon army...they had me against both Calcia and Westins. I didn't have a good reason to do it, I killed everyone I loved at the time. Not on orders, just to cleanse, be freed of duty. I needed the money, so I joined, under another name. They forced me to kill Westins' men, and I gladly did, I also almost killed a certain person..."-the confession was cut off by an impatient Luca. "-Westins queen was the person. It's a circle of traitors.", the man with too many names finished.

On the outside, the brothers might have looked calm and cold, but on the inside emotions burned like fire, the blonde letting it through.
"Let me get this shit straight. You betrayed to kill more people?! Also, killed Not on orders?", he coldly asked. The prisoner scoffed. "Like you were different."
"Oh I'm sorry...I forgot you killed freaking children! I had a goal okay? Oh, you will pay for this. Triple betrayal, oh no one has survived that with me around.", the blonde retorted.
The prisoner scoffed again, then feeling two tight hands around his throat, both lightened with flames.
"I know you ordered the troops on us.", Chris growled from the back, joining his brother an instant later.
The prisoner yelped, then became confident again.
"Troops are here..right now. You'll never win Bennet's. Kulò always do.", he smirked.
Chris nudged his brother, who understood the wink even without turning around.
With one quick move, the blonde held a chokehold on the prisoner, and a dagger straight to his throat.
"You thought you were being smart...I'll always be ahead.", Luca hissed, the prisoner redhead yelping, and struggling against the hold and weapon.
The man's arms were behind his back, immobilizing him.
"I thought I said don't mess with me? Too late now. I said you'll pay. I'll be nice for once, name one good reason I shouldn't kill you?", the blonde growled.
"I don't have one, but my daughter. She's 16.", the prisoner yelped, now genuinely scared.
"Name a reason she can't live without you.", Luca countered, the tip of the sword directly at Kulò's throat.
"She can. There's no reason.", the prisoner confessed.
Luca smirked, all three of them dissolving into shadows.
Appearing in the fields were the attack was happening, both brothers had a chokehold on the prisoner, and Luca the blade, one arm free each.
"Never try to outsmart either of us again. We're the ones with power.", Chris hissed.
People all in white attacked, arrows flying towards Luca, which he blocked with one simple spell.
He turned to the prisoner.
"If you want to live, you order them to surrender, right now!", he hissed.
Kulò resisted, but eventually agreed, seeing there wasn't an escape either way.
Now only the blade against him, he moved some steps forward, so the troops could see him, and doing so they increased the attacks.
Luca rolled his eyes, then hissed to the prisoner again.
Kulò hesitantly raised his voice, drawing the troops attention.
"Keep attacking people! The more deaths the better!", he ordered, which was followed immediately.
"Westins, attack!", followed.
An annoyed Luca stepped forward, flames all over his body.

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