Chapter Twenty-Two| "Think you can control me?"

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"Oh come here! Let's say hello to this blade.", Luca echoed, stomping closer with the blade in his hand.
Unlike Leo, Nichole didn't flinch.
Instead she smiled.
"Oh I'd love to! How about this wizard learns me better though? It seems he's interested in ME..", she chuckled.
Luca froze, but still drifted the blade along Nichole's arms.
Again, no fear in her face.
Luca attacked again and again, his smirk widening.

"Wow your blade is really great of a character, but we really gotta's time for us to have sibling screw off my love!", she screamed a smirk on her face, and kicked the blade away, and running.
Luca chased them, angrily taunting the siblings in the process.
Eventually passing the wizards, Leo whispered to Nichole.
"We gotta do something! He's way more murderous than normally..please Nikki!"
Nichole sighed and whispered back, firing arrows to confuse the raging Luca.
"Look, I do think I can do something, but I need to find out one thing, or rather trigger a specific memory, distract the wizards.", she ordered.
Leo nodded in confusion, choosing not to question his sister.
Luca was now closer, and seeming really angry.

"Okay my's time the indestructible lovers show them what's up. Whoa-!"-she paused, avoiding the blade and gaining a distance.-"c'mon, they need to learn not to mess with a destructive duo. Remember, I love you.", she smiled.
For a small moment, Luca's eyes changed back and he smiled, and this was when the warrior figured something out.
"Sorry my love, we really gotta go.", Nichole added, Luca still taunting them and half-yelling.
Luca still chased them, but eventually they entered Star Hollow, Dehja helping the cause.

"What happened Nichole?", the queen asked.
The guard whispered as she replied.
"Okay so they have my partner under their control or they think they do. I just need to help bust them."

The siblings hurried off, hiding away in a tent-like house.
"What's your plan Nikki?", Leo asked.
"You'll see, just wait a moment.", she whispered back.
They heard guards being slaughtered outside, yelling for help.
"Pathetic. You won't escape me,fools.", he laughed, the warrior had shivers down her spine.
"Stop him! He's back at it! Stop him!", they shouted.
The wizards countered with orders, yelling followed by silence occurred.
"Pathetic.", the blonde chuckled.
Nichole brushed her hair out of her face, sighing.
"Hilgers, the fuck is happening?", a calm voice echoed behind her, purple eyes turned red.
The cursed knight took a place next to Nichole, glaring at her in his uniform.
"Hi Seb...good to see you too.", Nichole groaned.
"Yeah, but what happened?", the cursed knight asked.
"Well, these wizards tried to control me, but managed for Luca, mostly at least.", she sighed.
Seb's eyes grew wide, he was growling in anger.
"So the most dangerous-"-Nichole cut him off-"-Keske is worse..-"
"-murderer is on the loose and under peoples control, and no one can stop him, or these 'wizards'.", he finished, ignoring Nichole.
"Keske is worse I swear. Only we got a minor issue I've known about for a little while..", she confessed.
Seb grunted.
"Define issue."
"Nope, not now. I have a feeling I know how to stop this though, but I need to find something first. Try to keep these guards safe, when you can.", she mumbled.
She than ran into the dark woods, finding the library she'd been searching.
She yelped, grabbing her tummy and slipped, hurting her legs.

Without her realizing, multiple hours and apparently a whole day had passed by the time she left.
"Dang it!", she cursed, clutching the thing she had been searching for.
She left the library, and saw Leo and Seb run towards her, grabbing one arm each upon arriving.
"You better solve this. He's a psycho!", Seb growled.
Nichole sighed. "Yes, but it's better than before!", she protested.
"Are you delusional? He's worse!", Seb angrily retorted.
"No, not worse! You've never seen Keske! That psycho r*ped Mahina! Blondie at least left children alone, but this psycho? He kills ANYONE!", the purple haired protested.
Her blood pressure rose, now noticing the wizards were moving closer.

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