Chapter Forty-six| Lovers

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Some more days later, Luca got hold of a replying letter from Keske, to his wife.
Smirking, he entered her cell.

" you want now?", the woman breathed.
"Another letter. He didn't reply so we need him over here as fast as possible. And YOU will command him to move here unarmed, you know what can happen if you don't.", Luca growled.
The woman hunched over in her chains, eventually complying.
'How is it possible he hasn't replied? My live is as stake here..!', her mind read, Luca showing no reaction.
"Write. Now.", Luca ordered.
Shaking, the woman took the paper, and started writing.
Some king minutes later, she handed Luca the paper, her mind had thought of something.

"It's another language. You rewrite it this instant!", Luca ordered.
The woman flinched. "I can tell you what it took forever to write that...please don't let me rewrite that! I swear it was a mistake!", she begged.
Luca raised his brow, motioning for her to continue, still holding the letter.
"It says the following...
My love, I again have to inform you of my great success regarding the kingdom Calcia and how I greatly took down their pathetic guards. Again, I have to ask you to arrive, but armor won't be necessary, as all fighting people are chained in chambers, prepared for your punishment. Arrive as fast as you can,
Many kisses,

Luca growled.
Within one movement, he pulled out Chris' blade, and held it against the woman's throat.
"I said tell me what it says.", Luca growled.
"But...that's what it says...", the woman breathed.
"Don't fool me. I know this language, don't lie to me. Tell me what it says, now!", Luca ordered, the woman flinching.
"Alright.", she agreed, twisting her thumbs nervously.
"It really says:
Beloved Keske,
The invasion was of further success and I am hereby inviting you to a party. Soon enough, the world will be ours and battle armor won't be necessary to carry. And I'm happy to inform you that all royals are taken down!
Much love,

Luca's anger only rose. "One more lie out of your mouth and I'll kill you. Got it?"
" you mean?", the woman asked, shaking.
"I know you lied to me. Don't fucking lie to me again, because I know this letter actually says something else. You better tell me the truth, unless you want to die, of course.", he ordered, pressing the blade against her throat tightly.
"I have no reason to keep you alive. I could kill you right now for lying to me, you know that? Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right now, leverage.", Luca growled, flames chasing up his sleeves.
"I'm sorry okay?!", the woman yelled.
"Give me a good reason."
"You need me for your plan! To get Keske to surrender!", the demon queen yelled.
Without blinking, Luca transformed into the woman before him, and back.
"Give me a reason. Give me a fucking reason."
"I'll tell you what it really says.", the woman sighed.
"Finally. Spit it out."

"It reads:
Keske; my live is at stake, I'm being held hostage in Calcia, they're threatening me, come here as soon as you can, our baby is already born. It's two years by now.", the woman recited.
"At last. Where's your baby?!", Luca menacingly asked.
"What do you mean..?", the woman asked.
"I know you delivered. Where's your kid? Tell me, or I'll find my way to them anyways."
"Don't kill my boy! Please!"
"...where is he?"
Shaking, the woman snapped, and a toddler appeared in the corner.
Smirking, Luca grabbed the boy, still holding the blade on the mother.
He held the boy by his collar, leaving the young demon to cry loudly.

"You will rewrite this letter, I have the life of your son in my hands. You know, I know you killed Nichole, so I have every reason in the book ti make this kid..." Luca paused.
"Don't kill him!", the woman begged.
"I have all right ti make this kid an orphan. I don't kill kids, but I make 'em orphans. Now, rewrite this letter and don't fool me again!", Luca ordered, burning the letter the woman just wrote.
Scared, the woman followed the command.

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