Chapter Fifty| Where did the memories go?

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The couple watched their young son play in the sunset, creating flames as he ran barefoot.
With Chris by his side, memories came flooding back, creating a small smile.

A blonde teen made his way through the fields, chased by guards, a wide smirk on his face.
In his hands he held a larger blade, which he used to jump-lift himself.
"Stay where you are! We saw you the other night!", a guard commanded.
The teen only laughed, black fire lit his hands, then the forest. Eventually, the guards seemed to have triplet. Now 200 against one.
The teen's eyes scanned his surroundings, careful not to miss any detail.

"Give it up, boy! We saw what you did!", a guard ordered. Luca froze, dropping on his knees, overpowered.
Guards shoved him down, handcuffing him.
"You're unser arrest! We saw you kill a woman!", a guard shouted. The teen's eyes sparkled as he was lifted up, dragged against a wall to be searched. "You're coming with us.", a woman snarled.
The teen only nodded, the smirk still present.
In the chambers, he was out in a cell, a guard placed before it.
'It's good we have this criminal. Lord and Lady won't be happy though.', their mind read, later footsteps neared his cell. His mother.
"What happened my boy?", she quietly asked.
The teen sighed. "They're mistaking me ma. They said I've killed someone, only because the kill happened with my sword. Remember, I told you it was stolen!"
"Are you sure baby?"
"More than sure. I know someone killed Nana with my weapon. The guards can prove I was in my room all night!"
"You're right...Mr Landon? Could you tell me what happened? Was my son really in bed?"
"He was, miss. Maybe reading, but in his room."
"All night?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Thank you Landon. Officers, let my son go right now!"
The officers turned, slightly pale.
"Of course...M'lady."
"Are you kidding?! He's a criminal!?"
Luca grunted. "My weapon was stolen alright? I just didn't report it cause Chris found it randomly. Guess he thought I threw it or something."
The guards let the teen go, releasing him in the light of day.
Barely outside, the teen switched to his shadow knight armor eyes sparkling.

With a wide smirk, he raced towards the town.
He knew his Nana's coworkers to be there, and no one could see him with his armor.
A few dark soldiers showed up, Luca going into hiding.
"Our boss died. Guards got her, pretty sure they're after us now. -You there! Stop moving this instant!", a male voice ordered a passing child. Angsty, they followed.
"Say what if you want me to kill you.", the figure grunted. The kid flinched. "What..?", they protested, then feeling a deep blade within them.
More children were eliminated, leaving Luca angry.
"Only bastards kill children.", he hissed.
"We won't spare anyone that comes near us! Try it!", the figures ordered. Guards raced closer, attempting to get a hit on them, but they were killed by the shadow soldiers.
Angrily, Luca followed them until the dark of night.

They assembled in the middle of the park, eliminating all passerby's, and fucking some bodies.
Eventually, Luca moved out of hiding, his silhouette mostly covered by a cloth and hood.

"Look at me.", he opened with a lowered voice.
The figure's heads flew around, they promptly had their blades directly towards Luca.
"Move it, stranger! Unless you want to die, of course!", a female bellowed.
Arrows were fired, Luca dodging each one. In minutes, he had a blade held on one woman, slicing her throat as she took last, very desperate, breaths.
His flames blocked the rest of the area, eliminating at least half of the people at once.
"Any last words, bastards?", he growled.
No one answered, leaving Luca to kill them one by one.

As the last victim took their final breath, the teen lifted his hood. "More killers are dead.", he growled, his chest filling with satisfaction.
From behind, a sword was pressed to his neck. A guard had seen him.
"Don't fucking move. I've got you under arrest!", they bellowed, nothing but a smirk spreading across Luca's face.
Ignoring the weapon, he spun around, stabbing the guard to death. A wide smirk spread across his face.
He shape-shifted into the dead, carrying himself away in the guards body.
Away from sight, the teen transformed into himself again, cutting a strand of his hair off to leave at the crime scene.
Jumping up, he transformed in his eagle and raced off.

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