Chapter Thirty-Nine|First Blood

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In his quiet manner, Luca made his way through the streets. He hadn't seen his Nana in two days, but he knew where her pub was.
"Where's this freaking cloth shop...I swear if they closer earlier today...I could still take my own but they'd recognize me...", Luca cursed, now more in a rush. A few meters away, he ended up finding what he looked for.

"Hey there! How can I help this late in the night, sir?", the shipowner greeted happily.
Luca smiled at him. "I'd need a coat please...I'm such a dumbass and forgot my coat. Could I have one with a hood please?", he replied, the kind shop-owner grinning.
"Sure thing! That would be 12 golcha!", he replied, Luca studying him.
Hastily, Luca searched his pockets, he started shaking from the cold.
"I...I'm sorry. I guess I gotta pass...I have no money...", he replied.
Luca was still shaking as he watched the owner glance at him.
"It's on the house dude. You can't deny a cold man a coat, plus it won't even be a loss.", he blurted out, much to Luca's pleasure.
"Thank you man...tell me if I can help out sometime.", Luca smiled, shaking as he grabbed the coat, and pulled it over.
With a wave he walked away, smirking as soon as the store was out of sight.
"Idiotically easy...let's hope the bar is stupid enough to buy that. Although, drunken they should be.", Luca grinned.
Pulling over the hood and grabbing the blade, he entered the bar, walking up to the bartender directly.

"Hi man, what can I do for you?", the man asked cheerfully, much to Luca's pleasure he wasn't drunk.
All went according to plan.
"I'm with the guards. I need to find the location of one of your regulars.", he replied in a lowered tone.
"Sure thing sir! Just show me your badge for assurance!", the bartender grinned, Luca reciprocating it under his hood, but in a quiet accidental sinister way.
With confidence, he presented the badge.
"Okay then, welcome sir Bark! How can I assist?", the bartender questioned in his cheerful tone.
Luca cleared his throat.
"I need the exact location of Alicia Bennet. She's the most wanted criminal on our record and the reason I'm staying covered is none of your business. This is an assassination.", Luca replied, coldness lacing his tone.
"Okay sir..she's at world fire park. She goes there after us everyday.", the bartender replied, Luca's eyes scanning the map behind the questioned.
"Not too far away, excellent. Thank you for your service.", Luca replied, smiling before leaving the bar.
On his path he pulled off the hood, and strolled along the stones sticking out, he had a few minutes to spare.
A guard ran into him, and starting whisper-yelling.
"Who the hell are you?! That's our dead colleague's badge! I wanna know, now! Speak up faker!"
"Quiet down, now.", Luca hissed.
"Tell me who you are!", the guard hissed back, attempting to rip the badge off of Luca, who caught his wrist.
Angrily, the blonde laughed.
With the other hand he revealed his blade.
"Listen up, bud. I'm here to do my job. I'm no one you should cause a problem with alright? Otherwise-", Luca paused, disarming the guard and pressing the sword against his neck, smiling deviously.
"Why are you doing this, kid?!", the guard quietly asked.
"A serial killer needs to be stopped, and you won't be getting in my way, understood?", Luca growled, watching in satisfaction as the guard nodded, but the blonde knocked him out regardless.

Finally at World Fire park, a hooded Luca raced towards a tree, where his grandma stood and smiled to herself.
At last he stood before her, and she started off with trying to hurt him immediately.
"You're not killing me...Alicia..", he growled, hitting the weapon out of her hand.
"Who the fuck are you?! Show your face bastard!", his grandmother yelled, Luca smirking.
With one hand, he grabbed his Nana's throat and squeezed it.
"You bastard! Who are you?!", Alicia continued yelling, but Luca wasn't bothered.
"Your time is up..Alicia.", he grunted, lifting her up, black flames moving along his arms, onto her neck.
"I won't go merciful on you, say hello to pain as your partner in death.", the blonde growled, lifting his squealing grandmother up further.
With the other hand, in which he held the blade, he removed the hood, accidentally cutting himself in the face whilst doing so.
Seeing who he truly was, Alicia yelled at Luca even more.
He smirked, lowering his grandmother.
"You're not getting out of here alive, Nana. It's time you pay for my years in hell because of you. Do t even think I'll spare you.", Luca grinned, revealing the blade.
"They'll lock you up! You'll spend all eternity behind bars!", Alicia yelled, but he only laughed.
"They won't even know it's me..and even if they find still almost killed me earlier. They're more likely to believe me, are they not?", Luca smirked, slowly moving his blade towards his grandmother, whom he had pinned against a tree.
"Come on Luca, you don't wanna do this..", Alicia changed her tone.
Luca chuckled.
"Oh no I don't want to...but I crave to. It's time you meet punishment, Nana. Surely they'll get me sometime, but then I'll have accomplished what I wanted. And unlike you, I know these things are wrong."
Alicia was now panicking, pleading with Luca to let her go, but cold eyes and a smirk showed this left him unfazed.
"I don't fucking care how much you 'love me', but you have to pay. I'll give you the chance to some last words, Alicia.", Luca coldly explained, his blade straight to his grandmother's throat.
"Remaining silent, are we? But you'll talk. You'll tell me why the fuck you killed.", Luca ordered.
Alicia broke down under his blade, her once cold expressions were wet from tears.
"It feels good. I can't explain why I'm insane...I just am. I am evil, like our ancestor the lord of chaos. I have a confession actually, the demons in my head...I can't stop.", Alicia finished with a sigh.
"Demons Huh? Then I guess I'm possessed by the same. Goodbye Alicia!", Luca growled, stabbing his blade in his grandma's chest.
As the moon began to lower, her last breath was done, and blood sprayed as Luca removed the blade and smirked of relief.
"Wasn't much about immortal, eh?", he mocked her body, laughing.
"Now..for the news part.", he grinned, taking form of one of the guards and handcuffing his nana's dead body.
Picking her up, he brought her to his parents house, still disguised as a guard and knocked, his father opening the door and gasping.

"Hello sir. Please call this persons closest blood relative to the door.", guard-Luca ordered.
"O..of course. G...give me a moment.", Azek replied, disappearing and calling Odette, who paled at the sight of her mother's dead body.
Luca lowered his head and smirked, enjoying the face of fear.
"Please explain officer. Who killed her? We know she was bad..but who did it?", his father asked.
"I had to eliminate her. She was a serial killer and this was the only way I could end this tragedy.", Luca explained calmly.
He watched his mother nod, but try to reach her mother's body.
"I needed to inform the closest living relatives of the deed. Sorry it had to end this way, but I have to go my way now.", Luca added, listening to the parent's goodbyes as he left.

At last this plague was off the earth, but the had to quickly switch to his room, in order for his parents to not spot anything in this plan.
It would still take some hours for that to happen, so relieved he fell asleep for the time being.

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