Three| Captive

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3rd Person||

The entire time Liam was in hospital, Mahina was completely restless, although she couldn't pin point why.
Three days after his release, her and Dehja were hanging out with their teenager siblings Aria and Rhys, the latter of which was humming a song.
More specifically, their lullaby.

"I don't know, how could we take better precautions? I mean, they keep busting in. We can't just let that happen, can we?", Mahina asked, thoughtlessly cleaning her bow.
"You're right. I think I actually might have an idea, although I'm really unsure how it would work. I mean the set of guards we have are all new, have zero experience through the years of peace, and the solution I'm thinking off could help a lot.", Dehja replied, twirling her hair with her finger, messily shoving her feet in the dirt.
Her tail waggled uncontrollably.
"What's your idea?", Mahina asked.
"Well..whilst Giulia, Maria and Adrien are by far our best guards, we gotta keep the people safe, not everyone can fight like us, and our guards are very weak in comparison to the guards mom had, If you know what I mean. Although both moms are really strong, you know what I mean.", Dehja answered, still staring into the horizon.
"Mhm...we could ask mom and momma what to do.", Mahina suggested, watching a pack of wolves run low in the distance. She smiled.
"Why not, maybe she could help. Let's not worry Kian though, he has enough on his plate as it is.", Dehja sighed, and Mahina agreed.
The sisters made their way towards their mothers house, were they didn't live too far away, but way more relaxed and less maze like.
Upon entering with the spare key, they quietly snook in the living room, finding their mom Chiara, who was holding goddess Fauna, aka former Queen on her lap, and smiled at her daughters, the other mother resting her head on her wife's chest.

"Hey my loves, can I help you? You rarely come during the day..", Chiara smiled, stroking her wife's head.
"Actually yeah..we kinda have a problem. Thought you might have some advice momma.", Mahina softly responded, kissing her sleeping mom gently.
Sheila smiled in her sleep.
"Sure loves, what's your problem? I'm sure I can help!", momma Chiara softly responded, nodding for the sisters to take a seat.
"Well, I'm not sure if you know this, but we've been attacked a couple times and our guards strangely can't fight back. They have no experience and us being busy with the fighting and Giulia, Adrien and Maria already having way too much weight on their shoulders, we have no idea what we could do. Plus, although less active, this Bennet guy is back.", Dehja replied, holding both her moms hands.
Chiara took a deep breath before answering.
This was a hard question, but she would try all she could to help her babies.
She ended up not having to say anything, as a familiar, male voice echoed from the building.
"I heard what you were saying, Mahina and I think I might've an idea.", the voice of the gentle  Sebastian could be heard. Mahina and Dehja both ran to hug him, before pulling their beloved friend in the building. Also Chiara smiled, barely holding in a laugh as she pointed to the sleeping Sheila, a book still on her face.
"As I said, I think I got an idea.", Seb softly repeated, smirking as he leaned against the wall.
"Really? You'd be a great help!", Mahina expressed, a happy smile on her face.
Seb nodded, before silently grabbing the book off of his friends face, seeing what she'd been reading.
He still cared for his powerful friend, no matter what.
"You know why these guys are so weak? I know like half of them from when I trained, or re-trained.", Seb asked, looking straight at Mahina.
"Not really, no.", she muttered.
The  guard nodded, and smiled.
"I honestly have no clue why nobody called me for help, but let's fire these guys up, what do you think, girls?", Seb asked, studying their built, then smirking.
The sisters nodded, and being the almost same size, no one threw an eye at the former strongest guard, who was confidently leading the way towards the gates. At this very moment, some of them were half-laying on the ground, laughing together, unaware enemies were approaching. They took nothing seriously.

"Wait.", Seb commanded softly, stopping the sisters with his arm. They were confused, but watched as the attackers almost effortlessly reached the gates.
Seb glared in shock at the minimum effort of the guards.
"Stop right there!", one weakly shouted.
"Or what? Queen Nocturna will only stop when these pretend rulers are dead!", a man in a black overall shouted. Weak arrows were fired, before the attackers could enter.
"We tried, no one can blame us for not trying. They're too strong!", the guard weakly exclaimed, before falling asleep.
Before the intruders could get much further, the sisters stepped up and attacked them, thereby protecting a few little children from harm.

"You will not hurt these children, understood?!", Mahina menacingly ordered.
"As if! We'll take you weaklings out with them!", a hooded female laughed.
"Not when I'm here, I know these women, and we have...something to discuss.", Seb's voice sounded, as he stepped into the light.
One of the women gasped.
"I know it's you, Hilgers. These poor excuse of guards might not have stopped you, but I can.", Seb smirked, attacking with his bow and arrow.
Mahina followed suit, also shooting arrows faster than lighting, especially after seeing a purple haired woman jump off of her horse, her hazel eyes glaring at Seb, before switching sides without hesitation.
"Smart choice, Hilgers.", Seb commented.
"I was let out to apologize, and make up. That's what I'll do. I'm just weak to blackmail.", Hilgers smirked, pulling her bow, and also shooting like a mad woman, jumping from tree to tree as she did so.
She seemed as if she were from another word.
The enemies were taken down, and Hilgers faced Seb, now revealing a face full of sorrow.
"One wrong move and you're back in jail.", Seb threatened, his voice now cold as ice.
"Understood, I know what I gotta do. I know my love is on Evil's side, but I have a feeling he won't be for long. This beast doesn't learn.", Hilgers replied, slightly bowing her head, still ignoring the new royals.
"I'm guessing he'll turn himself?", Seb questioned, his eyes still coldly scanning his partner in conversation.
"Not that, just keep out. Although maybe later. He knows they'll take him back in jail if he showed up anywhere. I don't think he's for revenge anymore, as long as we'll be together.", Nichole Hilgers smiled, staring at her former friend.
"We'll see. They're after him already. Let's see how this goes with you. Then we can discuss about letting Luca free. Or, out of a cell on watch at least."
Seb responded, before finally turning the conversation towards the royal sisters.
"These are Queen Mahina and Dehja, they also have a brother who's king, but no one knows where he is, so...", Seb introduced, his mind visibly wandering off. Nichole faced the sisters, and smiled before bowing.
"Nichole Hilgers. Pleased to meet you. Excuse my weird behavior, I didn't get a chance on news in Tartarus.", the young, purple haired woman smiled.
"Nice to meet you too, if your looking for our moms by the way, they live afar from the palace now.", Mahina cautiously explained.
Hilgers nodded, and followed Seb towards the former Queen's place.

It wasn't long after they were gone, that the sisters spotted their brother, who was closely followed by Giulia, both were blushing hard as they talked, seemingly about the book Kian was holding. Together they uttered spells.
By now everyone was preparing for the ball that was to come, light and music everywhere.
Sheila and Chiara had set this up, as an official introduction ball for their kids, hopefully with an interest.
Dana ran by, towards the river in a swimsuit and bluntly Dehja lost her thoughts and just stared at her friend, stuttering trying to explain what just happened.
From one second to another, Dana was gone.
"Where's she go? I've never seen her run that fast..", Dehja wondered, still blushing mad.
"I dunno. Maybe some animal accidentally covered her rest of the way.", Mahina suggested, before a creepy shadow appeared above them.
"Oh Queens of Calcia, you'll come with us.", a demonic voice echoed in their minds, and their demon eyes activated.
"Who are you?!", Mahina shouted.
"Not important now.", the voice responded, before the girls blacked out, the captors next goal was Kian.

A/n: I want to set some things in motion okay? Leave me be, plus school starts tmrw, I hope it goes well xoxo
Author out!

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