Fifteen| Villains..?

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On this particular day, no one was expecting anything to happen, all was peaceful.

Liam and Mahina, accompanied by Audrey and Dawn, as well as a reading Kian were relaxing in the living room.
"Oh please Romeo, don't tell me you haven't read this yet!", Mahina pouted, holding a book in the air, a book about stealing hearts.
Liam smirked, shaking his head.
"If you weren't as tall as a freaking tree I could grab it.", he groaned, stretching his arm out, which ended up tickling the queen.
"Ha-ha! No chance! I'll never give it to you!", the queen taunted, shooting an invisible bow and arrow into his heart, smirking.
Liam's eyes glimmered, as he groaned, then fell flat on the couch, his head now on the queen's lap, additionally he held his arms up, swinging them around Mahina's neck.
"We playing that game eh? Well, have it this way, Romeo.", she smirked, pulling his arms away and lifting his head up, to which he chuckled.
"Yes, that game gorgeous.", Liam responded.
The redhead pulled her closer, still laying on her lap.
She laughed, trying to keep balance.
"Can't get me to fall over!", she taunted, rolling him onto the carpeted floor, before laying next to him, laughing.
Kian looked up, smiling. He then noticed Giulia had come in, and made place for her next to him.
"We can't. Something horrible happened, your parents Kian. Also...none of the parents even know of how you guys feel about each other, just saying.
Anyways...there's a great danger out there.
Both Nocturna and Keske showed up, fighting our armies.", she worriedly expressed.
Without hesitation, Mahina and Kian jumped up, the queen lifting up Liam from the ground.
"We'll help.", she uselessly added, a stern look on her face.
Liam scanned her, following her scars with his fingers, turning her face towards him.
He pulled her closer, lifting her up, looking at her in concern.
"I won't let you fight this alone, I'll come with you.", he mumbled, the queen only smirking as she spun out of his comforting grip.
"Let's go, Romeo.", she rhymed, a smirk of concern on her face.
The queen pulled Liam by the arm, a laughing Kian followed them, pulling Giulia outside.

Outside in the snowy yard, stood the hooded figures of both evil royalties and they were attacking Calcia's forces recklessly.
Following them, were guards Dela and her sister, both fighting aggressively.
"Lokomotion. Guhe. Helio.", Kian mumbled, releasing multiple powerful spells from his hands.
A purple haired warrior broke out of the trees, her hazel eyes glowed of anger.
"Helio! Agrevato! Mukalo!", she shouted, adding to Kian's protective spells, causing her to fly up in the air.
As the triplets would later learn, she'd been given a second chance to live.
"Mukalo!", now also Kian yelled, gaining a respectful look from the elite-warrior.
"Bugaro!", the fighter shouted, her hair flying behind her.
"Hilgers?!", Nocturna shouted, now recognizing her former assistant.
"That's right. Your 'fathers' partner, dirty brat.", the warrior smirked, shooting more spells.
Behind her appeared a silver haired guard with blue eyes and a brunette male with purple eyes, both men holding bows.
"Rivo!", Kian yelled, a powerful blast from his hand knocking Nocturna down.
He gasped happily, then had full focus on the battle.
Mahina and Liam had little time to react, but they noticed a tree standing by.
"Shall we?", Mahina asked, Liam grinning in response.
They effortlessly jumped up the branches, being careful to not let their feet dangle of.
"Fire!", both of them shouted, pulling their bows and aiming.

Hitting undead soldiers directly in the chest, the queen silently celebrated, moving her feet so she could spin around and hang upside down.
A few more shots, then she switched to shooting with her head hanging down for better aim, her legs and tail stopping her from falling, her aim only increasing upside down.
With his legs only, Liam jumped higher and dangled his feet in vines on purpose, before jumping off and swinging around as he shot, avoiding Mahina's arrows each time, thanks to his athletic skills.
"Nice work, Liam!", the queen whispered, smiling.
Another shot, four more down and more enemies were coming.
The queen sighed, ignoring any yells around her as she fired her arrows faster than lightning, following Kian's spells.
"We'll never fall!" Nocturna confidently yelled, also taking aim.
Mahina smirked, this battle was an easy game so far.
"Fire!", the lord ordered, completely disregarding his people.
Liam had landed again, his ripped sleeves showing of his muscles.
"They keep getting back up! The fuck?!", he cursed, firing his earth projectiles against the enemy.

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