Chapter Forty-Two| Seeing it burn...

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When she left for the hospital, Dana heard footsteps behind her.
Hesitantly, she turned around, shocked at a bloody Giulia.
"Wait up! I wanna see Kian too!", the guard called, the loud noise scaring Dana.
"Sure...come with me.", she smiled, pushing the door open.
Something magical kept her from entering, so she knocked instead.

"Hello? It's me, Dana. Can I come in? It's Dana...Mayland. I want to see my friend!", she quietly called, knocking.
After knocking had no effect, a grumpy Giulia pushed her way forward, knocking.
"Open us! We're here for king Kian!", she called.
"I don't think they want us in..",Dana mumbled.
Giulia nodded, and knocked more aggressively.
And the door opened, a guards face appearing in it.

"Who's there? We can't let you in if we don't know you.", she coldly expressed.
Dana perked up hopefully, lightly joining Giulia in the front, who put her arm up to stop her.
"Giulia.", she mumbled.
The guard looked her and Dana straight in the face, the latter flinching. "We need your full name. We can't let anybody in.", the guard repeated.
"Giulia Bennet. Let me through you the king. I'm his partner.", she growled, Dana whimpering in the background. "Dana Mayland."
The guard moved outside, shutting the door, and shoving Giulia.

"We can let no one in. Especially no Mayland, neither a Bennet. Even if you're his so-called partner. The king can't be seen by anybody.", the guard barked.
Dana whimpered in the back, Giulia covering her friends ears.

"Let us in. Or give us a good excuse. I'm a gosh darn guard myself, I know the rules.", Giulia hissed, gently stroking a now sobbing Dana. "I'm his personal guard alright? It was probably exhaustion and what not. Let me see him.", Giulia ordered.
Nothing happened.
"Leave or we'll arrest you!", the guard shouted.
Footsteps followed from behind, two girls closed up behind Dana, one of them pulling her into a hug.

"Tell us what's happening, now!", a pissed off, honeyed but still silvery tone ordered, Giulia turning too see Queen Mahina stand there.
"Majesty?! We can't give this information away with that many foreign-", the guard was interrupted.
"This girl is his girlfriend-"-Mahina pointed at Giulia-"-and this is his best friend. We're ordering you to let us know.", she hissed, pointing at Dana, a minute later Liam caught up with her, pulling a big hug.
"Majesty...alright. We don't fully know, but all we know is that he was trying to protect a passed out, beige haired girl when demons attacked, which sucked energy out of him really fast apparently. He was also trying to protect another girl, but the flames weakened his spirits.", the guard sighed, Dana's crying intensifying.
Mahina fell silent, Liam grabbing her hand from behind.
A loud hissing was heard, claws grabbed Dana, tentacles lifting her up high.

A legged demon hissed louder, sending out particles, making it clear Dana was in danger.
Dehja's eyes changed color as she summoned her barrier.
"Drop her, now!", the queens ordered, Liam's obsidian supporting Mahina's arrows.
"We'll kill you, just drop our girl!", he growled.
None of their attacks hit, Dehja also using her fire to help instead of protect.
The queen's blue flames raced along the monster, Mahina following her sister, purple flames also hunting the demon.
Dana was crying furiously, her blood was drained from her with the pain worse than demonic bites, draining all energy.
"Fine've made her suffer long enough.", Dana heard a voice echo. Behind the demon, a bigger, more angry flame-dragon attacked the monster, briefly receiving the pain.
The dragon flew closer, busting the monster at its most vulnerable point, dropping an unconscious Dana onto it's back.
The fire fueled her energy, regaining a certain joy in her.
She sat up, controlling the fiery beast to attack.

"That's what you get, beast! Fire is my fuel!", she called out, bending over to go faster.
Her dad joined her a minute later, on his own dragon.
Flying on hers, Dana blocked a hit on her dad and the flames on her hands created smaller flying beasts.
Demons shut from far and wide, at least three of them dragging one of the guards.
Another three carried Kian away, his sisters attacks chasing them.
Dana leading the way, noticing soon after, that Dehja and Dana were carried away as well.
Keske arose, his tentacles only briefly stopping Dana.
People could be heard growling and yelling, the demon king was at full power.

"I'll see this world burn...", he hissed, setting flames to all the places he could.
An angry Dana lead her dragons into battle, keeping herself from freaking out.
"Stand down mortals! I have your rulers, you have no power over us anymore. Stand down or get killed!", Keske called.
Dana's beast bucked. "Never! You won't ever take over Calcia!", she screamed, her dad joining her side, just as pissed off.
"We'll get them back no matter what. And you better be fucking prepared when we do. We have the one you fear!", Finn yelled, his flames burning Keske's servants.
"Stand down, mortals!", Keske ordered.
"You have no chance!"
Purple hair appeared and a familiar voice screamed, followed by babies crying.
Giulia appeared in the shadows, knocking out all demons in her path.
"You let them go!", she shouted, her eyes glowing a murderous red.
Some demons dragged her away, but she fought.
A demon boy her, knocking her out.
This changed Dana. The fury rose in her like flames in a forest, a deep growl escaped her.
"Eliminate all mortals!", Keske ordered loudly, his attacks barely not hitting the two werewolves.
"I'll get my friends back you....dirty...bastard!", she yelled, black flames chasing up the demonic body.
Keske grabbed Dana, attempting to bite her, but Finn's flames burned him.
"You're not killing my daughter bastard.", Finn growled.
The demons had taken over, so father and daughter rushed off, they couldn't fight this many people.

"They're too many dad."
"I know...we can't fight them all. What can we do?"
"They have Nichole, I think. And Giulia."
"I know that...what are you getting at?-I have no idea."
"Me neither. I just know they're gone dad. We should find someone who could help."
"Who could make this thing burn."
"Who could make it burn."

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