Chapter Thirty-Four| Big rescue, or something

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The next morning, Dana greeted a distressed smiling Kian with a hug, and Dehja with a kiss.
"Kian told mi, amor. We'll find a way to help.", Dehja mumbled, embracing her partner.
"Thank you...but let's put Giulia first. I think I have an idea where she could be.", Dana quietly explained, leading her friends outside, where they ran right into Lucy.
"What happened?", the older guard gently asked.
"We-I-um..", Kian stuttered.
Dana smiled, and greeted Lucy happily.
"We found out that Giulia and Kian are connected, only the latter is now on edge because Giulia is...somewhere where people are inflicting pain in her, but I think I have an idea where to go.", Dana explained. "Tell me if you need me.", Lucy just smiled, worry showing on her face as she hesitantly let them pass.

Dana led the group close to where she lived, but sped up the second she passed the border.
"Why are we speeding, amor?", Dehja asked, Dana grabbing and kissing her hand before responding.
"Well my queen, it's a bit dangerous here, especially for Sullivans, but I have a feeling Giulia is near. Or at least where we are going.", Dana explained, causing Dehja to list fully growl and pull Dana closer towards her as they locked eyes.
"Why'd you call me that? You know how my heart twits when you do..", she softly asked.
Dana giggled.
"Well, I know and that's why I did it! But let's go, shall we?", she asked, cheerfully leading the way, deeper in the paths.

In a circle she stopped, smiling as she focused her energy before her. The flames she formed built a magical dragon, the experience still causing a happy stop in Dana's heartbeat, which only rose as she hopped on.
"Lead us the way. We can see you better. I gotta walk.", she whispered in its ear, kissing him before she jumped off.
Dana laughed as the dragon took off and waved, then motioned for her friends to follow her.
"Why are we following the dragon, Dana?", Kian wondered.
"It's easier to follow. Plus, the place changes location sometimes.", Dana cheerfully explained, no trace of her sadness and she felt a little more relaxed since she'd told Kian the other day.
After some more minutes, the dragon continued flying, but Dana stopped, positioning herself for her friends to do the same.
"Why are we stopping, amor?", Dehja asked curiously.
Dana motioned for silence, following the person she'd seen in the shadows with her eyes.
A loud sound caused her to flinch, which Dehja caught onto, then people bust out of the bushes, pointing weapons at the group.

Dana lowered her head to meet the man's eyes that stood before her. The latter started yelling at them.
"Why are you here, intruders?", a female shouted.
"We're traveling. We're not intruders.", Dana quietly responded, positioning herself to guard ger friends. "Yes you are! Explain yourselves!", a male shouted.
Fearful, Dehja whispered in her partners ear.
"What are they saying?"
Dana smiled. "Later. I gotta clear this up.", she whispered.
The people surrounding her and her friends had switched to an ancient version of the language, so Dana had to listen carefully.
"Embraco! Desjovo asivo! Intruro' amo!", a woman cursed, not realizing she switched language again.
Dana moved a step closer to her friends, blades trying to stop her.
"Please let us through. Our friend is somewhere in these grounds and we're here to safe her.", Dana quietly explained, her voice getting overshadowed.
Dana grunted, still smiling as she smoothly raised her tone a bit.
"We're only trying to safe a friend of ours. Please let us pass.", she asked.
"With these Sullivans? Never! Intruders are not allowed, leave to where you came from!", a woman ordered, pointing her blade against Dana.
The latter sighed. "We're not leaving without our friend. I know she's in here.", she calmly explained.
"Get out, intruders!", a female commanded.
"I'm not leaving. Plus it's rude to order us around without speaking English. They don't speak this language.", Dana smiled.
A woman groaned, now two blades pointed directly at Dana's chest. Kian clenched his fists behind her, Dehja laid one hand on her partners shoulder.
The beige haired sighed, snapping her singers to incinerate the blades. "Please let us in. We won't hurt anyone.", Dana pleaded.
"We won't! Capture the intruders!", a man ordered, attempting to close in.
"We'll see about peaceful.", Dehja and Kian mumbled, Dana worriedly throwing a warning look back at them.
"Please don't. I can handle this.", she whispered.

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