Chapter Fifty-Six| Confronting (Feelings)

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As Chris lead his friend inside, he recognized her worried tone.

"Okay Chris, what happened?" Sheila confronted.
"Lots of things, Sheila. All I know is that this woman's been breaking into Finn's home and assaulting him. Plus she's confessed to trying to kill him." Chris sighed.
"...he's alive, right?"
"Yeah. Thanks to Mahina going full crazy mode on the woman. She absolutely freaked." Chris explained.
"I thought she might. I think Kians trying to tell me something. Baby, please come out!" Sheila concluded, knocking on her sons door.
Nervously, he left the room, hugging his mom.

"You have something to tell me, don't you?" Sheila asked, tilting her head.
" freak. I forgot how to word it. Hell!" Kian grumbled , facepalming.
"It's okay, love- let me explain.", Giulia smiled, walking out behind Kian, who threw her a happy smile.
"Well, I'm waiting." Sheila smiled as she watched Kian press Giulia's hand.
"Very long story short; Dana admitted to us that she heard Finn and Jacob get abused many nights for the past decades, by a woman who's confessed to attempting to kill Finn may times in those years." Giulia summarized, smiling as Kian laid his head on her.
Sheila did not respond, but glanced around the hallway, then sighed. "Dana told me, too. I was waiting on Finn to tell me, buut he never did." Sheila sighed, rubbing her eyes before bolting into one direction, away from her son.
"Aaand we weren't even done talking. Damn your good heart, Sheila." Chris grumbled.
Giulia laughed, swinging her arms around Kian.

In Tartarus, Nichole had joined her partner in the demon interrogation.
Then, white suits appeared out of nowhere.
Around three dozen people dressed in white suits, showing an 'ErCo' symbol appeared, pointing swords at them both.
"Holy, we can't live in peace for long, can we?" Nichole grumbled angrily, pulling her own dagger, Luca following suit.
"Nope. These bastards."
His voice was snapping as usual when stressed, his nerves laid blank.
"Okay, get down! We know you're partners in crime, we know everything you did! Master Kujò is leading us to kill you!" A white man growled.

A light surrounded Nichole, and as she was about to be attacked, it defended her. Later it took form of a silhouette.

"What are you doing?!" Nichole shouted.
"We need you captured. Take their weapons." Kujò's bastardized voice grunted, as he landed beside his men.
His troops extended hooks, grabbing the couples weapons.
"What. Are. You. Planning?!" Luca hissed, grabbing Nichole's hand.
Instead of answering, Kujò snapped. A cry echoed.
Nichole's eyes changed to black almost immediately.
"It looks like you're at my mercy now..." the aggressor smirked. Luca growled.
"Mama..." the baby cried.

"Give up...or your son won't live for another day." Kujò growled. A shadow thumped next to the couple.
"Not happening, bastard."
A shadow, then blue hair materialized in the dust.
"Pfft."Kujò scoffed.
Three blades were thrown, and ErCo's men were disarmed.
In a swing, Giulia grabbed Lynx and handed him to his mom, before shadows dissolved around her.
Now she was back in the castle.

Still confused, Luca led his partner and son aside, into a cave next to a fall of magma.
Bubbling echoed from the depths of the burning liquid, it's color making Luca's hair seem red.
From there he walked away a bit, hearing Lynx call him in the background.
He felt Nichole stare at him from the back, but he was looking for something..he had to go find it.

After minutes of searching, he grunted. "Screw this."
He walked back, receiving a big smile from Nichole.
After taking a deep breath, both cleared their throats.
"So...I wanna tell you something." Both echoed, locking eyes. "You first." Nichole smiled.
"Okay...look. I'm not gonna go overboard with this, but...-one second." As Luca grumbled, he searched the scenery with his eyes, discovering the dark tree he was looking for.
"Come." He tasked, leading his partners hand.
Nichole sat Lynx down, then fidgeted with some item in her hand.

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